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  1. T

    vaporizer or smoke? and why?

    Yes perhaps, but it does work, and costs next to nothing. For those who want a 'taste' of vapeing a lightbulb works. I want to get a real vaporizer myself, but I use my bulb on the occasion. BTW a bulb is also great for any 'Sally D' smokers out there :D
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    A thought on Cloning

    I was thinking, has anyone ever tried useing Soil Moist (or other brands of Polymer crystals) as a cloneing medium (as opposed to rockwool or other options) It seems to me that it would work as these crystals slowly release water, and I seen some stuff on the net where people were growing indoor...
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    Optimal CFM for a 2' X 2' X 3' Veg box

    Yep, that is what I was thinking, besides I found a really great deal on some 130 CFM muffin fans ($8.00!). I'm not sure about turning them down as I will be wireing the fans directly to an AC adapter, but no big deal. This is one big learning process, I will understand all this stuff eventully...
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    Optimal CFM for a 2' X 2' X 3' Veg box

    I will be running my veg under CFL's in a 2x2x3 box. going to get a couple of muffin fans for intake and exaust (with DIY carbon filter) so what do you think the most CFM I will need for this setup? I am also going to use this box for clones, so I don't want to worry about wind burn. I know a...
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    HPS, heat, distance from plants???

    Thanks Silky, that makes things much easier. Now, not to sound like an idiot, but what exactly is Scrog, I mean I know its Screen of Green and I read the FAQ's but I guess I just don't get the basic idea, would appriciate if someone could enlighten me. I am very open to suggestions right now...
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    HPS, heat, distance from plants???

    Cool, thank you much for your advice, now back to reasearching. Still a few days until payday and I know I ain't gonna get everything I need in one lump, but you made my searching abit eaiser. :) Peace THC :peace:
  7. T

    cfl question

    Thankx all, I went out and bought me a couple of 26W 6500k for my mother (well I hope its a female :D ) I think I will go HPS for flower mabye add a couple of 2700K on the sides. Peace THC :peace:
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    HPS, heat, distance from plants???

    I was really looking at the store 'High Tech Garden Supply' They just so happen to have an e-bay store as well. (I might just drive down there onece I know what I want) Thanks for your advice on digi ballasts. I was not sure it was worth the extra $. I have heard good and bad things about...
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    HPS, heat, distance from plants???

    Okay, upon more reasearch I have been considering a HPS system instead of useing cfl's for flowering (I still plan on cfl's for veg). The system I am looking at is: DIGITAL 600 watt HPS GROW LIGHT 600w SODIUM w BALLAST I am planning on useing a 2' X 2' box (height unknown as of now) useing...
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    cfl question

    Not limited, but I am interested in trying cfl for this grow. I have read much about HPS but they seem really expensive and hot. I am planning on 2 small boxes 2' X 2' X 3' tall. I would like to try the SoG method so I am guessing a small box will not be a problem. I am also considering getting...
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    cfl question

    Hello all, I'm a new member and a first time grower. I have been doing my homework but am still unclear about some things. First off, what is the right kelvin rating for a cfl grow bulb, I am pretty sure 2700k is good for flower. I have seen various blue spectrum bulbs labeled 'daylight' 'cool...