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  1. StoneyMcphatter

    Assistance Pls! Diagnose my sad plant

    They look over watered and slight nute burn on one of them mate.
  2. StoneyMcphatter

    Whats up with this little one?

    It's hungry. Also that plant needs a new pot mate.
  3. StoneyMcphatter

    AK48 Topping

    That plant looks like it was a little to young to top. Other than that you did a good job.
  4. StoneyMcphatter

    Holiday leaving plants 1 week help / advice!

    I could type a long detailed response but it's really not necessary. The short answer is that yer plants will be fine mate. A week won't hurt them.
  5. StoneyMcphatter

    How does this plant look to you ?

    I would have at least 10 23w.
  6. StoneyMcphatter

    Burnt tips

    Yea dial down the nutes mate
  7. StoneyMcphatter

    Harvest time?

    Thats crazy. The way your plant looks it might go another 4 weeks. 16 weeks from flip is way to long in my book mate. Most of my strains take only 9 and a half. I Won't be buying those strains. But your plants do look really nice.
  8. StoneyMcphatter

    Changing time

    Yes I don't see why not.
  9. StoneyMcphatter

    When does a seedling enter the vegetation stage?

    Also i like to put mine into flower as soon as they wither away and fall off even though it's not really appropriate and most people will say don't put it into flower until the plant is showing sex which means it has hit sexual maturity but who has time for that? I need bud to smoke.
  10. StoneyMcphatter

    When does a seedling enter the vegetation stage?

    Actually its when the 2 cotyledon leaves fall off. When you think about it it's almost as if the plant is saying I don't need you anymore I can go out and be my own self. Like the plant is ready to face whatever may lay ahead. Just a little stoner talk from stoney.
  11. StoneyMcphatter

    Hows this for a soil recipe?

    I like it but whats the diatomaceous earth in the mix for if I may ask?
  12. StoneyMcphatter

    O Me, O My

    You're the man RM3
  13. StoneyMcphatter

    How does this plant look to you ?

    needs a lot more lighting mate.
  14. StoneyMcphatter

    What kind of high is more valuable?

    I like the intense body stone. My first time I smoked a pure indica I was like wow I hardly feel anything. Left my mates house because I was disappointed after waiting 10 minutes and not feeling anything. Went to my car and as soon as I sat in the car it was like someone rolled a huge boulder on...
  15. StoneyMcphatter

    I have to many plants

    And I make it a point to never trust a guy with bad grammar. Listen all that I'm trying to say is that he should keep them. Ultimately it's his decision though.
  16. StoneyMcphatter

    Bagseed Harvest

    Happened to me on my first grow. My buds were tight and dense when flowering. But I picked it early and also had high temps during flower including nitrogen toxicity. The very next day after I chopped it it turned into airy bud. Smoked a whole joint and didn't feel a thing.
  17. StoneyMcphatter

    I have to many plants

    I'd finish it out. You bought all of that stuff to chop them down? Put them into flower and finish it up man. The pay off will be worth it when done, trust me.
  18. StoneyMcphatter

    First time growing into week 4 flower

    Look up Cannabis sativa, thats your plants species. Your species takes longer that's why you don't see any budding yet. It will finish in 15 weeks.
  19. StoneyMcphatter

    dust like spots on leaves [pictures] help.

    Looks like you have bugs in yer garden. Either that or its some type of fungus.
  20. StoneyMcphatter

    Another male?

    yup don't need anymore days. cut him down