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  1. H

    Seed Start Home Made System! TEST RESULTS... What Do u Think?

    How about some info on what you did, there's just pics of your build, it looks nice and kinda simple but come on! Ok so looking at the pics for a few days this is what i've come up with. From what I can tell you have a seed in hydro balls and rock wall in a net cup which is placed in a shoe...
  2. H

    Not really a newbie but looking for advice so though id start here!

    uhmm what do you mean? and im growing indoors sorry shld of metioned that in the beginng.
  3. H

    Not really a newbie but looking for advice so though id start here!

    Alright so I recent moved out to Reno, NV. an as we all know NV is desert not really the right type of growing land and weather either since it snows and gets really hot too! So I've got some seeds that i came across from one of the clubs in CA that i go to and i 'm curious what's ya'll opion on...