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  1. C

    New grower. Help identify sex

    Hahaha yea ok then chem lmao
  2. C

    New grower. Male or female?

    Thank you kog hopefully soon. Will keep an eye out and update once it gets a bit bigger
  3. C

    New grower. Male or female?

    Hey guys new grower here. Need help identifying these ones or is it too early to tell? Any help appreciated
  4. C

    New grower. Help identify sex

    Thanks crazy I took a look at your post better luck next time
  5. C

    Welcome New Members!

    I had to google covfefe no idea what it was lol maybe I'm too high haha thanks guys appreciate it
  6. C

    Welcome New Members!

    Lou are you high??? Lmfao
  7. C

    Welcome New Members!

    Thanks Tim!
  8. C

    Welcome New Members!

  9. C

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey guys new here. Have posted a thread would appreciate any help identifying sex of my plant. New grower too. Thanks in advance
  10. C

    New grower. Help identify sex

    Thanks chem! Have added a few more pics now
  11. C

    New grower. Help identify sex

    Thanks Craig I'd be gutted if it was a herm
  12. C

    New grower. Help identify sex

    Oh no! I was worried this would be the case. Thanks for your advice
  13. C

    New grower. Help identify sex

    Can anyone tell me if this is a female turned hem?