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  1. B


    Where did you buy your filter?
  2. B

    Early Harvest

    Damn, I was afraid that was the answer. My brothers are coming from a long way and will only be here for a few days. Nevertheless I know the advice is sound. Well I guess it's alkie highs for the visit. Maybe I will try to crock pot some of the trimmings and cook with it. Thanks all, it is going...
  3. B

    Early Harvest

    So there are two questions I guess I ask. Thanks on the advice for the overcrowding but they have started to flower and my second question is since this is my only supply, If I trim some top leaves and green buds in four weeks will the trimmings be potent enough to get a rush?
  4. B

    Early Harvest

    I have plants that are three to three and one/half feet and I started them on 12/12 last week. My plants are outgrowing the space in my grow room and I'm afraid if I don't clear some out, it might interfere with my best plants which I want to take to full maturity. My question is, I have friends...