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  1. M

    Need Growing Help! Please!

    oh and i also wanted to ask how far along are my plants ...they were given to me and im a new grower so i hav no idea how far along they r
  2. M

    Need Growing Help! Please!

    what exactly is an hps light and what would be a good wattage to get? im also real curious as to whats happening in the 3rd pic i posted ...the plant looks nearly destroyed and im lookn for some kinda explaination ..thx 4 da help so far and more would be greatly apppreciated
  3. M

    Need Growing Help! Please!

    would greatly appreciate any advice ..currently growing five plants ..on the biggest one leaves are curling up at the top and curling down at the bottom ..the second biggest plant has browning tips with curling down leaves ..i am growing under a 40 W 4 FT gro-lux light and watering simply...