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  1. S

    Weird leaf balling/curling problem

    No luck on my end. Some one has to know what this is...
  2. S

    Weird leaf balling/curling problem

    Hi, thanks for your reply. I used a 60x scope yesterday and found what I thought were russet mites. Hard to tell. Didnt see many on the leaves but all over the stems and branches. Small, clearish/white, oval shaped critters. Guy at the hydro store recommended azamax. I sprayed them last night...
  3. S

    Weird leaf balling/curling problem

    Hi everybody, my first post, hoping someone can help me. Im currently growing 6 blue dreams, outdoors. One of the plants, the smallest of the 6, has a weird leaf curling/balling up problem. It only happens on certain branches, the rest of the plant looks very healthy. Ill attach pics of the...