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  1. O

    Please help! White hairs turning brown at 3 weeks!!

    I agree with TwoTimer, u look good. I've had issues with this from high heat or from not watering enough to wash out excess salts.
  2. O

    used to, not at the moment.

    used to, not at the moment.
  3. O

    My Plants has DOWNS!!!

    Hey jpeg666, I truly wouldnt worry about your "special" girl. Doesnt matter if she rides the short bus, she will still graduate and make you happy ;) I have a few strains that randomly do this, the super silver haze does it more easily than others. I am not positive but I think it has to do...
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    Fungus gNats

    HATE Fungus gnats! The old Canna terra bagged stuff used to come with hoardes of gnats, seems they got that under control.... I have had success with a soil drench of cedar oil. Good luck at keeping them away!
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    Chemfather busted. Dang

    Hey All, I have not been on the comp in a while and figured I would clear a couple things up since I am just now seeing all this BS. Greg is NOT rezdog. Greg is Chemdog. People know the person he received the original chemdog seeds from as chemfather (the dude in cali, think his name is greg...