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  1. Aloe

    Cloning Aloe Vera ... [Help!]

    That's fantastic! Thanks a lot! =]] I'll definitely try that out ASAP, thanks again! =] I was a little pessimistic at first because planting a leaf does sound weird to me but I'm very optimistic now that you shared your experience with me! I really appreciate your help! =]
  2. Aloe

    Cloning Aloe Vera ... [Help!]

    Yes, cloning means grow new from existing or "exact copy" from "original", I guess. ;-) So you took just one aloe leaf and planted it in another pot? Did roots grow from the leaf and did more leaves grow? Like if you originally took the one leaf from an aloe vera plant with 8 leaves, did the...
  3. Aloe

    Cloning Aloe Vera ... [Help!]

    Thanks for the information, I suppose I'll give it a go later on although I am still quite unsure about it working. Thanks again! =]
  4. Aloe

    Cloning Aloe Vera ... [Help!]

    :leaf: Hello! I would like your help in cloning an aloe vera plant, I haven't found anything really helpful on google and I've been recommended to ask for help in this forum. =] So do any of you know how I can clone an aloe vera plant? I've read that I have to cut a leaf of the aloe and leave...