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    A Jedi question

    For dwc what are best known nutrients and how do I fig out feeding routine.
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    A rookie needs a Jedi grower

    This will be my first grow, I plan to go with a 5gal bucket but my question Are how much water should I put in the bucket, how often should I change the water, what is the best ph lvl, how do I check the ph lvl, what is the best nutrients and how often do I feed. The complete guild of basic Of...
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    Rookie question?

    Wat is lowest amount of light can you have to grow. I'm trying to fig out how to reduce the chances of popo knocking. And wat are fav choices of lights?
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    Rookie in need of help

    I'm going hydro for a single plant. What kind of nutrients do I need and when do I apply them. If any one could explain the set up for nutrients
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    A rookie who needs light

    How would I know what is the most watts I can use. I wanna grow a personal plant. Lights for this jut confusing. Can any one explain how would I know how much watts?
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    A rookie who needs light

    Sry bro I ment math guy
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    A rookie who needs light

    At math head I love the herb and I always wanted to grow it but one that would last me. What is the lowest amount of watt I need to grow one plant in a closest. I'm painting the walls with high gloss and reflection. And also what type of brands are best for light
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    A rookie who needs light

    How much watt dose that use and I read something on we're on certain parts of the cycle u need more red light and some need more blue light
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    A rookie who needs light

    I'm going to set up my closet for one plant. This is my first time but I have No idea on what kind of light I should use. Money is no real big issues I saved for almost two years for this. I'm going hydro