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  1. D

    is my new technique working better than average?

    ok so im using this jobes drip feeder for flowering plants, ive mixed about 2/3 of the bottle with 1.5 liters of tap water that i left over night to allow the chor. to evaporate. anyway i have no pics yet but my seed sprouted 3 days ago and its over 1.5 inches and has 2 well defined leafs...
  2. D

    indoor watering solution... maybe?

    hi all, new to the site, ive recently desided to undergo some personal growing adventures i am currently building my own hydroponic system detailed by the mr. green videos. however when i was googling the plant dripper (side note i had no success, so if you know where to get a cheap...
  3. D

    maybe a new dripper idea, will it work?

    im planning on trying... its not going to kill my bank account to try, but i thought that i would run the idea past some in the know people first. how long should i wait for my plants to get before i start using nutrients, my seeds have just cracked so i have a little bit of time ahead of me.
  4. D

    co2 yes or no question

    ok so can i use a paintball tank? im pretty sure i can, i just want to make sure... thanks fellas/ladies
  5. D

    maybe a new dripper idea, will it work?

    hi all, new to the site, (first post) ive recently desided to undergo some personal growing adventures i am currently building my own hydroponic system detailed by the mr. green videos. however when i was googling the plant dripper (side note i had no success, so if you know where to get a...
  6. D

    plant dripper idea feed back please?

    hi all, new to the site, (first post) ive recently desided to undergo some personal growing adventures i am currently building my own hydroponic system detailed by the mr. green videos. however when i was googling the plant dripper (side note i had no success, so if you know where...
  7. D

    Drip Feeder for Flowering Plants

    hi all, new to the site, (first post) ive recently desided to undergo some personal growing adventures :mrgreen: i am currently building my own hydroponic system detailed by the mr. green videos. however when i was googling the plant dripper (side note i had no success, so if you know where...