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  1. W

    Please critique my first-time grow plans

    Hey all. Planning on doing my first grow within the next few months, and I need some feedback on my current plan. BTW, the grow is just to supply myself - I'm hoping to have about 4 plants flowering at any given time. I'll be growing in my bedroom, and I plan on growing in two cheap pressboard...
  2. W

    First grow - seeking an easy-for-a-noob, high-yield Indica

    Hey all, going to start my first grow soon. it'll be in a 2'deep x 3'wide x 5'high space, and I was thinking of growing 4 plants, and I'm looking for a totally-Indica, higher-yield, easy to grow variety - any suggestions? I plan on buying some good seed, and using 5 of the 10 seeds for the first...
  3. W

    Older leaves yellow at tips/When should I re-pot?

    not yet. someone told me that i should wait about three weeks, and it's coming up on that now.
  4. W

    Older leaves yellow at tips/When should I re-pot?

    i have four skunk #1 plants that are currently 5 inches tall, growing under a 400w mh bulb in my closet, batwing reflector, walls painted white, intake cool bedroom air from under the door via small duct system and driven by kiddie fan. the temp is around 77F. anyway, there are a few leaves that...
  5. W

    Grow room design... heat issues!

    since i now have an intake blowing onto the plants, i want to add an extractor to suck out the hot air and lower that 79 F a few more degrees. once i start flowering, i'll add a big carbon scrubber onto the intake of my soon-to-be-acquired heat extractor to (hopefully..) take care of the smell...
  6. W

    Grow room design... heat issues!

    ok, this seems too easy to not have a catch somewhere... but this is what i did. i took the air extractor that was sucking air from under the reflector and venting it under the door and i reversed and repositioned it, so now, the air is being sucked from under the door into the closet from the...
  7. W

    Grow room design... heat issues!

    so i've got four tiny skunk #1 plants that are a little over a week old. i'm growing in a 2 foot deep x 6 foot wide x 6 foot high closet: - 400w mh with reflector (4 feet above the plants to control heat; ballast sits outside closet); - fan duct system sucking air from under the reflector and...
  8. W

    How can i hurry things along a bit with a mainly sativa strain? :-)

    ok, so i've got 11 germinated seeds in the soil, underneath 400w mh, and i'm waiting for first growth. This is my first ever grow, and it's with a 75% sativa strain. it says that the flowering period is 10-12 weeks. my question is, what can i do to cut down the veg and flower cycles to get to...
  9. W

    Veg cycle/Pollination

    How long should I let the veg cycle go? I imagine there must be some kind of ideal time, like when the extra time stops becoming worth the difference in bud? I've got a 2' x 3' space in my closet, and I'm about to begin the veg, with 400w mh, and 400w hps for the flower. Also, is it difficult...
  10. W

    Couple of questions

    whoops, double post.
  11. W

    would this work?

    i don't want to invest too much in an air filtration/venting system. i'm only growing 3-4 plants, so will i need to worry about smell? will it go beyond my bedroom?
  12. W

    would this work?

    i plan on growing 3 sativa plants in my bedroom closet. i would have 2 or 3 fans blowing through carbon pads for smell, and during the veg cycle and the light hours of the flowering stage, i would keep the door open for air exchange. do you think this would work? my lighting will be 400w mh and...
  13. W

    Having trouble finding answers to these questions

    I plan on growing for myself in my bedroom closet - about 4 sativa plants. what will the smell from four plants be like? bad enough to go beyond my bedroom? i will be using a 400w MH for the veg period, then 400w HPS for the flowering period. what kind of yield do you think i should expect from...