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  1. Azrael

    Need help!!Lower leafs are dieing, truning yellow and brown...

    have to agree with the last few posts, the leaves at the bottom of my plant are all yellow and dry but i'm not worried, was gonna clip them off anyways as they were the first big leaves the plant sent out with 1 or 3 leaves and since the plant now has plenty of far bigger ones nearer the light...
  2. Azrael

    Seeds not Germinating, been almost a week

    I can sympathise. When i was germinating my lot in exactly the same way as you mentioned they were spread out over days simply to produce any sign of life at all. upon planting into soil they came up at random seemingly working on individual time scales. eventually there was a couple of weeks...
  3. Azrael

    good grow closet?

    absolutely. you know what i would do is fix some permanent light fittings on the top for a couple of 150W envirolites and put boxes under the plants instead of working out some crazy way of lowering and raising the lights like i did. Stick a couple of PC fans in the back for airflow und use...
  4. Azrael

    question about CFL

    I use CFL's as they are beautifully efficient and saving power is a big concern. Also you dont have any of the fiery heat of HPS or HID lights that i always fear would be a risk in an old wooden frame house like this with walls lined with kindling. The real important thing when thinking of CFL's...
  5. Azrael

    Save Hours In Harvest Drying Time

    sounds like it would work fine. I have tried quick drying stuff before but never tried the microwave cos that just seems like heracy to me. guy i was buying off did that once and i wasnt all to happy, especially when the bud was wet again a few hours later. The best method i have found is to...
  6. Azrael

    48 hours of dark?

    Thats interesting, i have never heard this before and since i am at around this stage myself i figure i'll give it a go myself, at least it will be better for the power bill