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  1. hakulaku2012

    I used too much soapy water, is there any hope?

    I had some spider mite larva moving around on all plants so I sprayed 1 tsp dawn dishsoap/ 1 quart water. Apparently it was too concentrated because I burned my plants. Should I just throw them out now? They're 2 months old. There is new leaves but they are stunted and shriveled. I have some bag...
  2. hakulaku2012

    600w HPS 230v ballast.. But no option for a 240v outlet..

    My circuit box is jammed full of old ass shit. Apparently because most of the electrical work in this house is copper..if someone was to upgrade the circuit box(to a larger one) they'd have to rewire the whole house because of the copper wiring... Don't entirely know if that's true or not but...
  3. hakulaku2012

    Yellow leaves still day 68 lotsa pics

    Thank you very much for all your help!
  4. hakulaku2012

    Yellow leaves still day 68 lotsa pics

    Ill definitly get a hanna meter as soon as Im not so friggin poor, i have a cheep soil meter as well I'll start using that more often. and Ill source out some "player packs" by root organics. thanks alot!
  5. hakulaku2012

    Yellow leaves still day 68 lotsa pics

    20 Nitrogen-20 Phosphorus-20 Potassium is what I meant by 20-20-20. Soil-less mix is peat moss potting soil, with almost no nutes in there, I mixed in some vermiculite for more air. According to this troubleshooting page it may be N, or over under nuting. I do water every 4-5 days when the soil...
  6. hakulaku2012

    Yellow leaves still day 68 lotsa pics

    ... I had to add twice as much nutes as the container calls for to get the ppm up to that what i should be doing? twice as much seems like it will definitely be over nuted no?
  7. hakulaku2012

    Yellow leaves still day 68 lotsa pics

    I heard 300 may be too low but even if i add full strength nutes the ppm goes from 290-340... why doesn't it go up at all? do i just keep adding nutes cuz im over the recommended amount then..whats the best way to raise ppm without over-nuting? maybe my meter is garbage? it was $15 from china on...
  8. hakulaku2012

    Yellow leaves still day 68 lotsa pics

    humidity is always 50, cfls dont get hot at all temp is always 70-75, soil is soil-less potting mix...water was described..but I may be over watering or over nuting.. i went with 3/4 strength 20-20-20 last time. But, they've always been yellowish and stunted. thanks again for any advice!
  9. hakulaku2012

    Yellow leaves still day 68 lotsa pics

    So I've had yellow leaves since about week 2, I figured the ph problem out quickly and I may have been over nute'ing i flushed for 10 days but i just cant stop these brown/yellow leaves! I have ppm~300 all the time no chlorine ph of water about 6.7(keep it higher because the soiless mix always...
  10. hakulaku2012

    Yellow to Brown spots on bottom leaves 1mo. PICS

    4x2600 lumen cfls "DAYLIGHT" That should be enough for a 2.5'x3' room right? Thanks!
  11. hakulaku2012

    Yellow to Brown spots on bottom leaves 1mo. PICS

    Ok so I rinsed them, should this yellowness go away or are these leaves dead now? should I be using 1/4 or 1/2 strength with them this short? How tall do they need to be to use full strength? Is 20-20-20 the right or something else? I heard I may need cal/mag supplement when I am using...
  12. hakulaku2012

    Yellow to Brown spots on bottom leaves 1mo. PICS

    I see that it says starter nutrient on there, but it doesn't state what it is. I'm using litmus paper on fert mixture and runoff..Should I use ph meter instead? ppm meter on the way from ebay.
  13. hakulaku2012

    Yellow to Brown spots on bottom leaves 1mo. PICS

    Hello can Anyone help me identify what this problem may be, 1month old. Soil-less(peat moss/perlite/vermiculite) mix. 4x2600 lumen CFL. 3" to 4" away. I'm using R.O. machine water with PH-6.5 and 20-20-20 nutrient mix with macro-nutrient included. My soil ph is also good around 6.0-6.5 most...
  14. hakulaku2012

    Brown spots, yellow droopy dry leaves CFL

    I added 1/4 strength 20-20-20 miracle grow all purpose fert. the ph is 7.2 today in the runoff, so I checked the distilled water 7.7... so theres my reason. So whats the best water to buy then because it aint Real Canadian Spring Water:( Also whats the safest way to lower/ equalize the soil...
  15. hakulaku2012

    Brown spots, yellow droopy dry leaves CFL

    soiless mix, no nutrients day 14 Distilled spring water only, water about every 2/3 days,when top inch of soil is dry and pot feels lighter 3x2600 5600k DAYLIGHT CFL bulbs Temps range from ~60-80 ph~7.2 Is this nutrients? or are the lights too close? Any advice greatly appreciated.:dunce:
  16. hakulaku2012

    splotchy brown spots on droopy leaves (12 day old sprouts) pics incl.

    bump can anyone tell me if 6500k bulbs are too close at 3" away from plant?
  17. hakulaku2012

    splotchy brown spots on droopy leaves (12 day old sprouts) pics incl.

    yes i feel pretty dry the leaves start to droop soil is very dry 1 inch pots are 4" wide 3" deep .. and soiless mix with distilled water =~ 6.5ph or ? my litmus test said ~6.7
  18. hakulaku2012

    splotchy brown spots on droopy leaves (12 day old sprouts) pics incl.

    Hello I'm wondering if anyone can identify this problem, day 12 still using spring(distilled) water in soiless mix heat ranges from 70-80 F watering when top layer of soil is dry and pot feels lighter ~2days. 2600 lumen CFL about 3 inches away from plant. Thanks!