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  1. K

    20 plants suddenly dying, need help!!!

    hey guys, sorry for all the trouble, I just realised that one of my house mates has sprayed the plants with oil, that's where the wierd smell was coming from. Conclusion: keep your project to yourself. thanks for your effort!
  2. K

    20 plants suddenly dying, need help!!!

    my approach is based on the asuption that someone might get the same problem in the future and could find all this useful. my humidity was between 50-70% till now, I just added an extra fan and it dropt somewhere like 30-40% this is why I posted that link...
  3. K

    20 plants suddenly dying, need help!!!

    no doubt about that! :D been surprised though how one man's crops can go down over night, regardless of the strain. so I reconed it would be good to share the experience, considering that this is my first time growing ;)
  4. K

    20 plants suddenly dying, need help!!!

    ahm... those are the pictures of my plants, why do u guys think they're not? found the answer in the mean time, it's called anthracnose: unfortunately three quaters of the girls are in the trash bin by now... this plant I got...
  5. K

    20 plants suddenly dying, need help!!!

    hi guys I have 20 plants looking similar to the ones in the pictures and I can't figure out what's happening with them. the leaves look like they have oil on them at first, then turn dry and get white small spots. oh! almost forgot, there is a very wierd smell in the grow room. nothing like...