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  1. C

    Caterpillars and Revegging

    get some hot sauce and some garlic, and spray the shit out of them. I spent 6 hours a few days ago picking them off, then read about that, sprayed my plants, and they ran like canni tranni to a mascara sale
  2. C

    To Any Of You Mods Hanging Out Here

    Great band live :P
  3. C

    NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed

    yeah, Chiceh said it may have been an accident
  4. C

    To Any Of You Mods Hanging Out Here

    All I know is I was cruising along the newbie section and answering stuff and all of the sudden....BAM ban :( Ty. I'd at least like to know what I did that was considered spam, I don't even think I've ever had a conflict with anyone on here, or even a warning or anything.
  5. C

    To Any Of You Mods Hanging Out Here

    I don't even get the option to send pm's on this account
  6. C

    To Any Of You Mods Hanging Out Here

    how do I go about doing that
  7. C

    To Any Of You Mods Hanging Out Here

    It didn't say, just permanent ban for spamming, I didn't even get an email about it or a warning or anything
  8. C

    To Any Of You Mods Hanging Out Here

    Can someone explain to me please why Cranker was banned, permanently, for spamming? Go look back over my last 100+ posts and tell me where a single one of them deserved a permanent ban?
  9. C

    NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed

    Yeah....a forever ban...for spamming.
  10. C

    NGG ---RIU PartyCup Showdown Throwdown 2011**12/12 from seed

    Could one of you fine mods please find out why the hell my account got banned for spamming of all things? I've been answering questions on the newbie page then all the sudden bam banned? Really? Look at all my recent posts and tell me how any of that could be interpreted as spamming.