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  1. Y

    My 2 plants

  2. Y

    My 2 plants

    Updated pics now some tips of the leaves are starting to turn brown
  3. Y

    My 2 plants

    Lol I do worry to much, its my first grow so idk what to expect. But will do thank you for the advice. What super soil do you recommend? From home depot. Thank you lol and yeah im transplanting in about a week to a bigger pot.
  4. Y

    My 2 plants

    The first plant I think has a nitrogen deficiency the bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow from the outside in. I had it in scotts hyponex and it was starting to do that so I switched it to miracle gro moisture control since it had a higher nitrogen. Now it seems to be turning yellow...
  5. Y

    Weak stems? No circulation? Drooping leaves

    I would also like to add that the 2nd set of leaves that first came out, came out deformed. I read somewhere to pinch deformed leaves sooooo that's what I did yesterday lol I know that causes a lot of stress.... Did I do the right thing? The top leaves seem to be going up though.
  6. Y

    Weak stems? No circulation? Drooping leaves

    How do you post pics on here? I'm doing everything through mobile. There pointing down like sad leaves lol and the new ones seem to grow up than tend to go down... And at the beginning of my grow temperature was a problem than I added a fan and a heater and it fixed it and kept it stable...
  7. Y

    Weak stems? No circulation? Drooping leaves

    I have a plant that has drooping leaves. The stems are purple, they start out green but than turn purple. Temperature and humidity are good lights on 73-75 degrees humidity 45-50 lights off 63-68 degrees Humidity 50-54 Its lighted with 2 fluorescent R40 reflector lamps 23watts (2...