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  1. B

    What soil should I start with?

    this was from a bag of miracle grow from Home Depot which they store outdoors so Im the idiot for even buying those bags. shoulda known that staying outdoors in high heat with casual rain could ruin a bag of dirt for indoor use.
  2. B

    What soil should I start with?

    yea man when I was watering I did a full flush and I mean like tons were crawling around the top of the soil it was insane. grabbed a thumb full of dirt and got a few of the bugs on my hand and they bounced around like 2inches per jump in the palm of my hand
  3. B

    What soil should I start with?

    and yes, I tried a bag of miracle grow nut release and it had bugs in it, didn't notice till I watered earlier and tons of little white/gray bugs started running around. I plan on ditching it and never going with it again. but is a 2 cubic feet bag enough for 1-2 plants?
  4. B

    What soil should I start with?

    Thanks so much guys. found a place that has some fox farm bags so I think I will try it. there is a bag that is 2cubic feet. is that enough for a 5 gallon bucket?
  5. B

    need your opinion on my plant

    kinda funny I guess, but a waste of space in the forum if you ask me.
  6. B

    need your opinion on my plant

    yea bro thanks. not my first grow and haven't in awhile but my Dad has for the last couple years had some serious blood pressure problems and he tried some cannabis lately and it dropped it like 20 points almost immediately so Im commited to doing this right for him. too much medicine nowadays...
  7. B

    What soil should I start with?

    what would you say the price range is of that full mixture in a 5gallon bucket?
  8. B

    What soil should I start with?

    Is miracle grow worth using if I can find a clean bag? I mean as a medium from start to finish
  9. B

    need your opinion on my plant

    Hey Prophet just out of curiosity what kind of soil mix do have going on? Im sick of bags of dirt that already have bugs growing in them. Just noticed I gotta start over kus a lot of tiny tiny like bugs that kinda bounce an inch or two around on my hand when sifting through the dirt came home...
  10. B

    What soil should I start with?

    thanks man, any thoughts on the rest?
  11. B

    What soil should I start with?

    ok so places like Home Depot that have bags of dirt for sale and keep them outside is questionable. Im tired of bringing home bags that have bugs already well nested inside. Never have ordered seeds for fear of the cops. so using bagseeds from some decent bags is currently what I got. got 3 cfls...
  12. B

    do you think these plants are the same

    yea alittle early. looking good though, keep up the good work
  13. B

    need your opinion on my plant

    I see what your getting at about the question of female/male. from earlier pictures Id say def female. just keep doing what your doing, they looking fine. and you do not need to worry so rushingly. you can see the male plant very easily and it still grow for a awhile befor pollen squirts...