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  1. Sparky257

    My first time grow

    Yeah man ended up with just under 15oz it's an awesome smoke I had couch lock lol
  2. Sparky257

    My first time grow

    Got around 13 ounces of the two plants not bad also need to weigh the last bit of pop corn buds lol
  3. Sparky257

    My first time grow

    Cheers bud , it should be harvest time next week !!
  4. Sparky257

    My first time grow

    Looked up and read about vertical scrog looks like a good plan and space saving and could do more shrubs
  5. Sparky257

    My first time grow

    Hi mate I haven't heard of vert scrog but will look it up to see what it's about cheers dude
  6. Sparky257

    My first time grow

    2-3weeks ish to go
  7. Sparky257

    My first time grow

    #update, my buds are too heavy and lying ontop each other so had to use string to help support not long left
  8. Sparky257

    My first time grow

    Yeah bud plan to get 4 in there next time
  9. Sparky257

    My first time grow

  10. Sparky257

    My first time grow

    How u getting on set up DWC yet
  11. Sparky257

    My first time grow

    It should be white widow or so it said on the packet lol
  12. Sparky257

    My first time grow

    Lol :weed:
  13. Sparky257

    My first time grow

    Lol I'm a bit shocked I went and checked on them and wtf they just exploded , using same method as last grow canna vega and canna Flores , hopefully il remember to take a pic later :razz:
  14. Sparky257

    My first time grow

    Update on scrog number 2 bigger than my last some main stems grew a bit close to the light had to bend them over , last week this pic taken need to take a new as they are in flower and have flowered a lot more since this pic
  15. Sparky257

    First time grower in Grow tent

    Nice seedlings , I use a tent myself I like it
  16. Sparky257

    My first time grow

    I will try and start a diary mate
  17. Sparky257

    My first time grow

    Cheers bud
  18. Sparky257

    My first time grow

    Cheers buddy .... Two plant scrog again , in veg at the mo see how this one turns out , might not veg as long tho but il see lol
  19. Sparky257

    My first time grow

    I've looked into doing DWC , I might give it a go myself after I got a couple grows under my belt, I'm glad I cloned the plants as they were good yeilders , wen ur all set up let me know how u get on dude
  20. Sparky257

    My first time grow
