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  1. MyNameisMudd

    Fruity strains

    thanks guys I appreciate the info. This may be a question for general growing, but whats the best way to grow to get the full flavor out of the strains?
  2. MyNameisMudd

    Fruity strains

    I've been reading into some fruity like strains and I seen Strawberry Cough, Blueberry, grapefruit and The Purps. Anyone tried some of these strains or maybe know a good Fruity strain with an awesome head high? I only know Strawberry Cough for that, well thats what it said on Dr Chron anyways :P
  3. MyNameisMudd

    Sativa Indoors

    Thanks for the info guys, i appreciate it. But I got to be honest, I dont know much about pruning and what branches to cut and what not, cept for cloning, i dont know anything else bout that kind of stuff. Think ya can help a newcomer out and tell him where to get some pruning skills :mrgreen:
  4. MyNameisMudd

    Sativa Indoors

    Legend has it that Sativas grow very tall. Indicas short and bushy. Now most of the indoor growers here are mainly people with limited space and no room for 8-15ft plants. Does anyone here grow big sativa plants in small setups. I'd imagine its possible with good pruning and fiming but newbie...
  5. MyNameisMudd

    Strains with sweet taste

    I have kind of a sweet tooth, no reference to the strain, and I was wondering what are the sweetest tasting strains. I heard of Mango and Sweet Tooth, but I dont know if theyre actually sweet tasting, i remember someone said something about a strain being mixed with grapefruit taste or some sort...
  6. MyNameisMudd

    CFL vs HPS...

    just wanted to say love the pics of the harvest chuck :mrgreen:
  7. MyNameisMudd

    CFL vs HPS...

    thanks guys for the info. had a thought thered be a talk about the lumens and such in this thread. As for these MH lights, are they all blue spectrum and all meant for flowering? I have mostly info on HPS and CFL lights, heard bout these MH ones a few times, but never looked into em
  8. MyNameisMudd

    CFL vs HPS...

    Ah thanks man, that helps alot cause heat is the number one thing im worried about. Still wondering how im going to fit the carb scrubber in there with all that in there :mrgreen:
  9. MyNameisMudd

    CFL vs HPS...

    I hear HPS is like super hot compared to CFLs, but it produces buds alot better than a CFL could because of its crazy lumens. I remember seeing a small Scrog setup with this 250 watt hps air cooled in there and it was closer than any hps setup I see. Im limited on space really, my space is about...
  10. MyNameisMudd

    Need Temperature Control Help

    Im getting ready to build a grow cab thats 39" tall 28"wide 16" depth. I have 4 85 watt dual spectrum lights that create practically no heat. but the problem is that the weather temp is going to kill anything with in that space within days. no on hot days it reaches a good 95 degrees here. I was...
  11. MyNameisMudd

    What Lighting Do I need for this much space?

    My cabinet is 39" tall, 28" wide and 16" in depth. I want something thats not that expensive and not much ventilation required so i was thinking along the lines of Dual Spectrum II from StealthHydro (CFL). I was going to get 4 of em, theyre 85watts each and have both red and blue spectrum for...
  12. MyNameisMudd

    Hydroponics? I need help (newbie@hydro)

    thanks alot on the info, ill look em up. Goodluck with the Ph and PPM monitor thing. Got a bit of work to do before i come to that problem
  13. MyNameisMudd

    Hydroponics? I need help (newbie@hydro)

    Yea man I dont even know how to measure with the PPM meter or how ppm tells me how much of whatever solution to put in haha. Im keeping it easy on the hydro set up with just 1 plant per bubbler for now. But i wish there was a more elaborate book on this hydroponics thing, i cant find one and I...
  14. MyNameisMudd

    Hydroponics? I need help (newbie@hydro)

    got it. Guess ill start with 1 in each bubbler. would you by chance know anything soultion strength i was told 30% and work my way from there with experience. What do you mean REZ?
  15. MyNameisMudd

    Hydroponics? I need help (newbie@hydro)

    Im into growing for myself, maybe 2 plants ScrOG style or something of the sort. I was reading into this "Bubbler" its pretty easy to make and I got a couple of books but none of em with in-depth details on hydroponics. I remember someone told me i needed a PPM meter so i wouldnt have to refill...