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  1. pondochris

    Best soil mix for autos?

    Here's what I'm doing right now for my auto runs. I'm not an expert by any means, but I've done quite a bit of reading up on it and I feel like I've got a pretty good bead on things. I have a couple goals with my soil: Easy, inexpensive, available at home Depot, use Dr Earth dry amendments...
  2. pondochris

    What dry amendments to choose?

    Another Dr Earth user here. I use the veg/tomato 4 6 3 and flower Girl 3 9 4 top dress every 3-4 weeks. I haven't tried growers recharge or any added microbes as it seems to me that it's the same microbe stuff that's already in Dr Earth when I compare them.
  3. pondochris

    3finger auto leaves

    I've got 2 northern lights auto going right now. one has all 3 and 5 finger leaves and the other has all 5 and 7 finger leaves.
  4. pondochris

    Would anyone be interested in participating in an auto grow thread?

    2x northern lights auto day 30 Growers choice seeds Miracle grow garden soil with coco coir added. Its been super rainy here in MI so I've only watered twice in 30 days outside. My first ever grow and also my first post on rollitup!