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  1. W

    1 month old indoor carmeliscious!

    I topped this one as it was growing way to tall for the tent. This plant seems to be different from the rest even though there all supposed to be the same.
  2. W

    1 month old indoor carmeliscious!

    The one in the back left is the only one I see issues with. Been like that since 2weeks old. New growth looks a bit burnt or nute burnt then as they grow get better. Weird as everything I give that plant the others get. It’s the farthest from the light as well.
  3. W

    1 month old indoor carmeliscious!

    Update! I flipped lights over 3 weeks ago. One of the plants is a much lighter green so wonder if this is a rogue seed. Supposed to be all carmeliscious.
  4. W

    1 month old indoor carmeliscious!

    Almost a month old. 1 plants leaves look a bit odd. Maybe genetics? Started off in tiny vegetable trays into solo cup into these 7.5 gallons. Little nute burn I think but should be ok. Thoughts?
  5. W

    Help needed with white widow autos

    Seed sprouted 2/5 and seems to me there a bit small. Also leaf tips are curling and leaves just don’t look right. They are yellowing and just not growing. I have them under 20-4 light schedule. Hlg 300. 5 gallon cloth pots with mixture of fox farm ocean, black gold, and coco. Any idea what’s...