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  1. T

    My plant is stem isn’t thick at 78 days Of veg how do I fix

    Lol I’m actually impressed but anyways thanks for your sarcastically lit convo lighting needs to be changed yes but I need a suggestion for better nutrients don’t be a dipshit to someone who might actually know a bit more dude I dont believe I know enough or more than other people but any...
  2. T

    My plant is stem isn’t thick at 78 days Of veg how do I fix

    Lol see that’s comedy gold u actually think I’m that inexperienced lol have another reefer buddy U took the time to type that looks like y bit your own Sock man wtf u think I’m that dumb
  3. T

    My plant is stem isn’t thick at 78 days Of veg how do I fix

    If u take botany in high school thickening known also as the plants method of becoming adaptive to gorging on nutrient The Endoplasmicrecticulum Is highly responsible for protection of a plant and aiding in a thicker cell wall when worked with correctly by a grower stimulating it’s...
  4. T

    My plant is stem isn’t thick at 78 days Of veg how do I fix

    With soil and that’s my cycle every four days okay so larger amount of lighting will work thank u will try that and post new pictures anyone recommend any lights?? CFL halogen purple led red spectrum blue spectrum both full spectrum like there so many which darn one
  5. T

    My plant is stem isn’t thick at 78 days Of veg how do I fix

    I need A very good bottle of macro nutrients with thickening properties but it can’t fuck with my ph too much I use tap water and my pipes are old I have to run it a long time I use a 1.75 litre juice pitcher dilute 1tsp Of my nutrients and I pour it into my 64 litre bucket which is only filled...
  6. T

    My plant is stem isn’t thick at 78 days Of veg how do I fix

    Yeh but what nutrients dude I don’t think mine is even close enough to repair this crazy stretching I have got in on and my thin sturdy stem it’s been 78 days of veg I need to flower at this rate I’ll be waiting another year to flower I don’t want that I need to flower it in the next 4 months...
  7. T

    My plant is stem isn’t thick at 78 days Of veg how do I fix

    I notice increases of thickness in some stem but it’s very slowly doing so it’s not gradual and on a large scale
  8. T

    My plant is stem isn’t thick at 78 days Of veg how do I fix

    I do agree I need more light but there has to be another awnser on how to make my stems and stalk thicker I’ve been using 0-0-0-1 earth worm infusion and all it’s doing it producing more plant nodes that are very thin and sturdy When I fimmed I cut really short to one side of the fim and It...
  9. T

    My plant is stem isn’t thick at 78 days Of veg how do I fix

    My plants used that added sun to soak up water quicker and absorb moisture I don’t like waiting forever to water my plants especially when I need them to start growing thick ass stems having a light and a lot of sunlight to heat up the room temp helps that process or so I believe
  10. T

    My plant is stem isn’t thick at 78 days Of veg how do I fix

    I do not use it as a source of growing light I usually cover the window but I do open it for exhaust and to give my plant some added wind on top of the fan I use
  11. T

    My plant is stem isn’t thick at 78 days Of veg how do I fix

    What is the best light for a Sativa plant and how on earth is just buying a new light going to thicken my stem so I can start flowering it then I have to buy a flowering light and a new veg light ??
  12. T

    My plant is stem isn’t thick at 78 days Of veg how do I fix

    What do u mean by extraction and the details of my space is a walk in closet with a double outward opening window pain and roughly the wall along the closet is 3 and a half meters across and two and a half meters wide 10ft high I have an old ceramic water heater in the room under that window The...
  13. T

    My plant is stem isn’t thick at 78 days Of veg how do I fix

    I don’t really want anything I gotta attach and exhaust too my entire closet is temped and specified to grow marijuana my humidity is Always between 70 and 80 and my temp is between 60 and 70 degrees that light creates a lot of heat in the closet for some reason that I have rn when I open...
  14. T

    My plant is stem isn’t thick at 78 days Of veg how do I fix

    What in the shiznit is silicates any and all information is absolutely wonderful I love this site pls fill me in more
  15. T

    My plant is stem isn’t thick at 78 days Of veg how do I fix

    Okay so what wattage what lights and how long once I have those lights should I wait to flower it there’s no option on cloning it it’s a one time plant I like it I just want to try it’s bud it barley even emits a
  16. T

    My plant is stem isn’t thick at 78 days Of veg how do I fix

    I mis calculated it’s been 76 days but not a big difference
  17. T

    My plant is stem isn’t thick at 78 days Of veg how do I fix

    These are what I have found so far it’s just one plant but man I really don’t want it to die I have never ever sucsefully grown any marijuana before I just had a really good teacher and I didn’t listen but I think I’ve done pretty good definetly looking at trying fix what’s going on not give up
  18. T

    My plant is stem isn’t thick at 78 days Of veg how do I fix

    I have tried bending my stems and it resulted in a botched stem joint that healed with the bend I’m very worried about putting it into flowering rn Because I feel as if the stem is way too weak to hold flowering buds what kind of lights should I use and should I continue stress training ...
  19. T

    My plant is stem isn’t thick at 78 days Of veg how do I fix

    I have been 78 day in veg I believe it’s a Sativa strain idk what seed it was I’m using a 16 watt double spectrum blue and red grow light a 17 gallon pot and 0.0.1 earthworm infusion liquid nutrients I used 1 bag of miracle grow moisture control potting soil 1 bag of vegetable pro mix soil and...