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  1. RadMichelle

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    Hey there, still reading this link, i'm digging it lol. What I've been using is whats immediately available to me, just the ff trio, I've used some of GH and boticares line ups, dabble in different pk boosters but i'm eventually wanting to stray towards only having to water and teas, molasses...
  2. RadMichelle

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    Im excited!
  3. RadMichelle

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    lol welp the desired outcome is the gunna have to be the best I can possibly grow lol. what's available to me now that I've used as my medium is a 50/50 of FFOF/FFHF with perlite and dolomite lime with some great white at transplant. I've seen at my local bags of EWC and the guanos and etc, and...
  4. RadMichelle

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    Gandalf I think I glanced at your organic run... if there was a possibility to shrink down the list... lol is everything necessary
  5. RadMichelle

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    Hey there Gandalf! yep I well aware of it not being organic lol, mid way through my last grow I was gifted a small shake tube of great white... which lead me on the path to pondering organics lol because the synthetic ff stuff cross canceled any benefit the myco had to my soil... right? lol i'm...
  6. RadMichelle

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    Great thanks for the welcome guys! looking forwards to skimming through and catching up, I think i'm gearing towards organics for sure- i'm still in soil. I'm wondering, if I didn't amend my soil with the guanos and meals and etc.. (soil right now is 50/50 FFOF/FFHF with perlite and dolomite)...
  7. RadMichelle

    Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

    welp, idk what I missed but good to see yall here, but I am pretty excited to read the parts about growing, I am actually looking forward to moving organically.. has anyone tried sub irrigation with smart pots and organics? or heard about it?
  8. RadMichelle

    Gage Green Genetics SugarTown Express Test!

    i'm looking forward to trying out sugartown, how are these coming along
  9. RadMichelle

    Very Bushy LST- week into flower, advise on trimming/pruning undergrowth

    Hey guys, just thought i'd throw up a post about how these guys are coming along. I did a tiny trim of the twiggy branches that were below everything at the base of the stem, Ive been tying back some of the giant shaded fan leaves, they are all tucked down below the canopy. I haven't trimmed a...
  10. RadMichelle

    reverse hermie- unidentifiable pre flowers? Opinion

    here is an update, I see I never posted the original pictures so ill include some too. but this was a male sexed plant (preflowers) which turned fem, and now some of the "balls" have hairs coming out. anyone seen this before. One of plants too is looking like its 50/50 fem/male. any opinions...
  11. RadMichelle

    reverse hermie- unidentifiable pre flowers? Opinion

    Whats up Wee, thanks for the info! yeah i'm aware that stress will cause the fem plants to hermie and have both parts, this issue with these plants is- they started showing male, balls, sticks, crab claws, and then a week into 12/12 they started showing me the hairs, the one pistillate I see at...
  12. RadMichelle

    reverse hermie- unidentifiable pre flowers? Opinion

    Howdy Howdy lol I thought i'd share this, see if anyone has experienced the same. I've heard of female hermie to male, and read about the reverse, showing male and having female parts- I just threw my current grow into 12/12 lighting about a week ago, they were showing pre flowers on some-...
  13. RadMichelle

    Very Bushy LST- week into flower, advise on trimming/pruning undergrowth

    Hey guys! I've read and read about LST and pruning and there are some debates between cutting branches and stripping all below, removing light blocking- This is my first LST but not new to growing, just wondering- This plant is 1 week into flower, have plenty of growing lateral tops, I've kept...
  14. RadMichelle

    RadMichelle's stokin first LST, 400HPS, Bubba Kush and good badseed

    Here are the other guys I had started late march, various shots of them, had 7 random bagseed from some yummy stuff at the club, lol owner tried to buy them back from me when I mentioned it so decided to hang onto them- 4 were female, here are various shots since- they too just hit 12/12 4 days...
  15. RadMichelle

    RadMichelle's stokin first LST, 400HPS, Bubba Kush and good badseed

    What's up guys, been around for a minute, finally decided to compile some pics of how this run is going, thought to share! Received Bubba Kush as a clone in march began with CFL's and switched to 400watt hps and here are a few pictures of it's adventure since, these photos are the first month...