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  1. C

    Help me diagnose

    Any ideas? It's getting worse and I don't what to do, what to give her :/
  2. C

    Help me diagnose

    Hello, my deficiency seems to escalate with everyday and I don't know what kind of deficiency this is. I grow in coco, i fed her about 3 days ago with 1k ppm, strain is laughing buddha and she's around 30 days in flower, it's progressing and I don't know what to do.
  3. C

    Droopy leaves, early flower

    Everything was growing smoothly until I started to flower them(on 22nd), it was about 4 days since I last fed them since they are quite the heavy feeders, started to see some of the leaves yellowing. So I fed them yesterday around 1000 ppm. Today when I went to check on them leaves looks droopy...
  4. C

    Am I paranoid?

    Yeah you are right, I'm just newbie so I thought I'll consult with you guys. Better to be safe than sorry I guess. Thank you for your input and for being an awesome community <3 :joint:
  5. C

    Am I paranoid?

    Barneys laughing buddha Well I just want to be safe. Thank you for all your replies.
  6. C

    Am I paranoid?

    Well I'm kinda used to seeing rich green color and they seem barely green to me, so I wanted to be sure and treat as early as possible if something was wrong. Thank you for your reply.
  7. C

    Am I paranoid?

    I don't know what's wrong with her maybe someone can tell me or I am paranoid for no reason? Because those leaves don't look healthy to me they should be more green. So I checked around could it be bleached from mh bulb? Or there's to much moist near the root zone and I should observe and it...
  8. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Well I'm not from UK it's just that is most reasonable for me to order from, so I figured I'd ask here, sorry.
  9. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Can someone recommend good uk based stores for mostly everything besides and ?
  10. C

    Necrotic specks

    Hello so my plant started to show some necrotic spots and droopy leaves. Nothing changed through feeding, I usually put around 750ppm coco nutes since I'm growing in coco. I always water 5.7-5.8 ph. It's about 3 and a half weeks into flowering. Most people say it's hard to tell accurate coco ph...