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  1. F

    3.4 lbs per plant ??? BlimBurn BCN Masa Kritica Feminised Seeds

    depending on lighting could start to flower than reveg...could go into shock....many factors
  2. F

    Need your advice on temporary light schedule for seedlings.

    if they are seedling put under flouros 24/7 for 2 weeks,switch to 17/7 for 2 weeks,put outside last week of may every day and back inside(maintaining 17/7)for a week,plant out first week of june
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    Tried a new germanation method

    great way to germ seeds,its the only way i do it
  4. F

    3.4 lbs per plant ??? BlimBurn BCN Masa Kritica Feminised Seeds

    to hit that weight you have to tend your plants very regular,150+ gallons of well composted organic soil and 8+ hours a day of direct a newb you wont come close to that,especially geurilla style........
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    iranian auto

    well post some harvest pics to compare....put up or shut up read my posts dumbass,i stated most those iranian pics were not mine....dumb monkey.. my harvest pics look like iranian to me....notice the sativa leaves...more bud than you are used to.....i can actually grow pot ogchick
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    iranian auto

    this was MY iranian from this past season......god,i get drunk and mistype and i get barraged!easy........does everyone assume everyone else is lying?......makes me laugh
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    iranian auto

    pics dont lie.... catch me in a drunk moment...fine,but anyone who cant see its the same strain in those pics cant grow at all!period go die ogman
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    iranian auto

    i was wasted when i posted
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    iranian auto

    i fucked up,i have grown both,only have pics of the iranian...sorry.
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    iranian auto

    of those strains or of just strains i have grown?i dont have any personal pics of the 2,i have grown the auto iranian,but have not grown the auto affie personally,but i do have tons of my own pics if you wanna see....
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    iranian auto

    these are not my pics,i just got off different forums to show the similarities of the 2 strains
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    RIU pirate ship sign on.... or be impressed LOL

    fuckin awesome fuckin movie!fur fucks sakes!fuckin eh!
  13. F

    iranian auto

    dinafems auto amnesia is a great outy strain as well!looks indoor!
  14. F

    Which is the naturally TALLEST strain of MJ?

    any pure tropical sativa will grow very 14+ feet
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    iranian auto

    i dont know and dont care to be honest....but i will say that iranian and auto affie look pretty sure iranian auto came out in the way,and i mean no way its been out for15+ years... and you dont know its from the iranian line,you were just told that. judge for...
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    iranian auto

    ill be making nl5 x haze x that pollen you sent me scarhole,the auto nyc haze pollen......
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    iranian auto

    i dont remember,i justb remember seeing the clone used in many grows before the auto iranian came out.....what year did iranian come out?
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    maxsea in canada?

    anyone know if the organic fert maxsea is available in canada?
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    iranian auto

    a few pics of my nl#5 x hazec,really really thick white hairs!more than any strain i have seen before.unique smell too
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    iranian auto

    the AA was in clone form way before the iranian came out so that is impossible.....its not gg its auto affie.....i have grown both and they are identical,great strain,but it can mold in wet conditions,,,very potent. dont care who stole what,its weed,everyone steals everyones work anyway,so what...