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  1. smokeverett

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2014

    Girls can grow to I guess...
  2. smokeverett

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    Lol... someone a bit jealous...? Is it because I have big plants my first grow or get free hash? I came here looking for tips and to get a guess on harvest but most of you guys said I was doing fine then looking through the site I saw that mine are prob close to the top 10 on recent forums. I'm...
  3. smokeverett

    Hash and Oil Picture Thread

    I like hash oil ive gotten a lot free from my friend! He usually gives me 7-14 grams, i like it more than pot. A couple pictures are while its in the vacuum thingy...
  4. smokeverett

    My first grow happens to be outdoor. Going for a pound! Tips and advice appreciated!

    I thought I would get a pound early on then started to worry about it. I havent told anyone what im doing except on here now, if it goes well I kight expand I have a couple acres of my own. Heres a view from my roof deck.
  5. smokeverett

    Hey Guys! It's my first grow, will I be able to get a pound?

    Im assuming thats a joke...? A pound is a lot of pot!
  6. smokeverett

    Hey Guys! It's my first grow, will I be able to get a pound?

    This is my first time growing pot, im in no position to be giving advice. .. Thank you thou!
  7. smokeverett

    My first grow happens to be outdoor. Going for a pound! Tips and advice appreciated! Trellis net is at most garden centers but cheap online. That is the only plant that was getting dammaged by the wind and the net took care of it. I spread ot out with the net and used plant tie to tie it to the pot
  8. smokeverett

    My first grow happens to be outdoor. Going for a pound! Tips and advice appreciated!

    This late climate? These have been outdoors since the end of may and the climate here is great. It is 92 through 95 deg all this week and was over 100deg all last week. Isnt now the best time to be growing outdoor? Im in central california in the middle of farm land, everything else is growing...
  9. smokeverett

    My first grow happens to be outdoor. Going for a pound! Tips and advice appreciated!

    Hey there guys! This is my first grow and its outside. I'm sick and have been getting free pot from this really nice guy I know. Every thing he has given me has been free but i told him one day i would pay him back when and if i could. He's given me about a half pound of weed over the last year...
  10. smokeverett

    Hey Guys! It's my first grow, will I be able to get a pound?

    Hey there guys! This is my first time growing pot. Ive grown tomatoes and other veggies but never pot. Im going to loom around the forum more but I am wondering if I will be able to harvest at least a pound. I am using 100gallon pots 65gallon pots 45gallon pots 30gallon pots 15gallon pots and a...