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  1. B

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    my responsibilities are done at 5pm ;) I've been relaxing with ganja for hours already
  2. B

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    high people. hows it going this evening
  3. B


    yeah i know. but would 100g be realistic?
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    what plant would you suggest for first time grower? the way I understand this is.. Yield= 550-650g per m2 So if I have 1 plant in a homemade cabinet a little larger than 3ft by 3ft it will be possible to grow several ounces...
  5. B


    it's funny you should ask, it is an old building and they will be doing electrical work soon. my caretaker says smoking pot is ok, i did not dare ask about growing. but anyway, i was planning to start after the electrical work is done, she warned me about it a month ago, so it will happen soon...
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    Planning on starting a small grow. 1 or 2 plants at a time. first question I have is for all the canadian members here. where should i order my seeds? next question is: I wanna grow 1 or 2 plants in my 1br apartment. wanna keep it fast and simple. also any suggestions on masking the smell...
  7. B

    What up!

    no idea what you high lifes are blabbering about but i can't afford a ferrari sorry .__. don't want one either honestly.. :P
  8. B

    What up!

  9. B

    What up!

    Hey all, brendan here. 19 from canada...planning to grow some for personal use since it is getting too expensive to continue buying an ounce+ weekly. still very lost but i am learning lots by browsing through the forum. I'm hoping I can grow a plant or two of northern lights in my 1br apartment...
  10. B

    Point me in the right direction?

    Thought I had subscribed so I would receive emails but I guess I forgot! Will do my best to reply to everyone... @JesterDev: I learned that I would need to read a lot reaaaaaaal quick. I will have to do research on cloning and auto flowering seeds, thanks for the advice...
  11. B

    Point me in the right direction?

    Hey guys, completely new to this..bare with me. Names Brendan, 19yo from Canada! So here's my story: I'm starting to take a hit financially with my smoking habits. Usually pick up 1-2 oz a week. 1oz = $200-$220 for decent bud. So Basically I am looking to save money by growing. Entirely for...