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  1. Rastagrower

    First time grower

    Yea I also suggest wet paper towel method, but also put them in a zip lock baggy with some holes on top then put them in the sunlight. Works wonder, but over time makes the paper towels kind of stinky. But yea frog was asking some legit questions, its best to know what type of lights you are...
  2. Rastagrower

    Cfl Proximity To Foliage

    How many CFLs were you using to get a harvest like that?
  3. Rastagrower

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    This leaf is kind of curling down and to the side and I don't know if I should let it go and not worry or if I need to do something asap
  4. Rastagrower

    How do you determine which stage your plant is in?

    Yeah exactly, like seedling, veg, or flower. I'm using CFLs. But what do you mean by stretchy?
  5. Rastagrower

    How do you determine which stage your plant is in?

    I'm unsure which stage my plant is in so I was wondering what are some signs that seperate the stages? The two attachments are pictures of my plant and little side question but if you can clearly make out one of the leaf is curling down, any clue why that is?
  6. Rastagrower

    Big blackmail problem

    I say try moving everything to a different area if possible or if that is even a safe thing (for the plants) then wait and see what happens. If no cops show up, then it is a bullshit call.