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  1. T

    A List of plants that look like Marijuana

    I found a list of all the plants that grow in the county I was in, specified yellow flowers, and I got it! woot. Potentilla pulcherrima The variety with the fern-like leaves is called Potentilla hippiana (which is amusing heh)
  2. T

    A List of plants that look like Marijuana

    yeah dude that's definitely at least in the same genus. it might even be the same species, different variety - there was 2 kinds of my plant growing along the shore (one looked a lot like a weird fern). I'm thinking my plant probably doesn't have leaf growth on the flower stalks due to being...
  3. T

    A List of plants that look like Marijuana

    Can anyone please identify this river weed? Here's the background info I typed up on grasscity: