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  1. XX04

    Help with heat problem - pics

    NLX, Dr., and email; thanks for the feedback. It is much appreciated. I will definitely have the intake at the bottom and the exhaust up top. Also, great heads up about the caulk either crumbling or staying wet. I'll just use more glorious duct tape. It will take me a little bit to get...
  2. XX04

    Help with heat problem - pics

    I'll even take someone's guess on how this will work. I'm about to spend a fair amount of money on ventilation and cooling and I would really appreciate some feedback from one of you who knows a little about this stuff. Please take a look at my journal too. People are viewing, but I'm not...
  3. XX04

    Help with heat problem - pics

    The grow space is a little storage area in my garage under stairs. I can't really ventilate anywhere but out into the garage (surronded by stairs and living space). There is enough room to turn that metal shelf 90 degrees and fit an a/c unit or evaporative cooling in the back left corner of...
  4. XX04

    1st Grow - Experiment with bag seed

    Thank you for that explanation on flushing. That's great, I'll definitely flush it like that. And yes, I am going to clone and sex as soon as it looks like it's thriving again. Nutes shipped so should be soon. I got a propagation tray and I'm researching what method/meduim to try. I had a...
  5. XX04

    1st Grow - Experiment with bag seed

    thanks for the quick reply, ceestyle. I will pick up some cal mag tomorrow. To answer your question, I have ordered the Foxfarm 3 pack. I will be very carefull with it so as not to burn my one survivor. I hear you about the temp. It does need to be cooler. I will probably end up...
  6. XX04

    1st Grow - Experiment with bag seed

    Everyone's opinions and suggestions are welcome and appreciated. I'm guessing it's about time to transplant and start adding nutrients. Does it look root bound? Is the yellowing of the lower fan leaves ok, or do I need to fix something? I got started on my own by just reading the site...
  7. XX04

    1st Grow - Experiment with bag seed

    Grow details: 4/16 The one survivor so far. She (fingers crossed) germinated better than any of the other seeds and popped right up when I put it in the soil. The medium is a 60/40 MG Moisture Control/Perlite mix. The ph of the soil is about 6.7 and I adjust tap water to between 6.5 and 6.8...
  8. XX04

    1st Grow - Experiment with bag seed

    I would like to first say thank you to everyone on RIU for taking the time to pass their knowledge on to us new growers. I have learned a lot from reading this site and have tried to apply what I've learned in my first little experimental grow. Setup details: The bag seed I have is old. I...