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    Yellowing.. have tried everything

    Do you believe in flushing or would you feed the two weeks?

    Yellowing.. have tried everything

    You're great man, thanks for the replies. I will stop the mollasses although it's going to stress me out lol I will try the coconut water, any you recommend? Or any other sweetners that have good results.

    Yellowing.. have tried everything

    /facepalm... they don't just decide to show up? Wow I feel really unintelligent right now, I thought maybe they came in the soil already.. it's FFOF.

    Yellowing.. have tried everything Take a look at that thread, it's debatable. They say it's IMPOSSIBLE to kill all microbes in the soil. Even with the abundance of salt. I'm a person to question the standardized...

    Yellowing.. have tried everything

    Out of all my ingredients is there anything else that could have stacked thc like this?

    Yellowing.. have tried everything

    Well shit, I swore by the crap. I swore it was what was adding all that thc to my nugs. What about Stevia? Anyone ever tried it? I've been thinking about trying it, any other fire sweetners?

    Yellowing.. have tried everything

    Could my ppm meter need calibration? Almost everything in that is at full dose, shooting powder and calimagic are the only two with cut doses. As for cutting mollases that's one thing I will not do. I'm almost positive it's what gives me my nice looking thc and frost. I do not believe in...

    Yellowing.. have tried everything

    You may be nailing it, I watered at 1000ppm and got nervous about the amount of nitrogen.. so i cut down calmag to half dose and it's around 850 now. I really didn't want to list my nutes but here we go... I use dechlorinator, A+B, zyme, and silica from cyco. I use earth juice humic acid, H&G...

    Yellowing.. have tried everything

    I googled that and I'm sure it's not that, although I may have nightmares now because that one is much uglier lol
  10. DABINsinceDABINbeenDABIN

    Yellowing.. have tried everything

    Thanks for all the responses guys, I will continue feeding and chop soon. Question, I have a picture of one of those pincher bugs. Do these ugly bastards eat roots?
  11. DABINsinceDABINbeenDABIN

    Yellowing.. have tried everything

    You believe this even with soil? The last stuff I flushed when you smoke it, you wouldn't even cough.
  12. DABINsinceDABINbeenDABIN

    Yellowing.. have tried everything

    Nugs look decent, this is last week. it's just the leaves yellowing this bad are killer. This is my 2nd grow, and the first one did not yellow this bad. It was a smaller grow though.
  13. DABINsinceDABINbeenDABIN

    Yellowing.. have tried everything

    Sup guys, I'm 8 weeks into flower. I will be starting my 2 week flush tomorrow, now theres one big problem I've run into. For some reason I CAN NOT get my plants to stop yellowing, I've tried everything. I'm very familiar with NPK and micro nutrients so I'm fairly certain it's not a deficiency...
  14. DABINsinceDABINbeenDABIN

    Advanced Nutrients Ph down

    I did more digging and owe you an apology. I got my answer.
  15. DABINsinceDABINbeenDABIN

    Advanced Nutrients Ph down

    Boss, I appreciate you responding and everything but unless you REALLY know chemistry please don't comment lol I use like 8 different nutrient companys and produce fire I asked a simple question and don't need your childish insults.
  16. DABINsinceDABINbeenDABIN

    Advanced Nutrients Ph down

    Lol right, have you even graduated high school? Check the attachment "fucking noob."
  17. DABINsinceDABINbeenDABIN

    Advanced Nutrients Ph down

    Lol I didn't ask that did I, anyone else that actually knows ingredients have an answer?
  18. DABINsinceDABINbeenDABIN

    Advanced Nutrients Ph down

    Does this bottle of ph down have a P level (N-P-K)? Doesn't say it on the label but it's made with phosphoric acid which leads me to believe it does. Thanks in advance.
  19. DABINsinceDABINbeenDABIN

    Tips in staking these?

    Just trying to figure out the best way to hold these ladies up and keep the side shoots from breaking. Theres literally like 10-20 tops sitting on each other on the sides.. its madness. Ideas are appreciated. I've heard trellis netting or rope. Anybody got pics of theirs that are my size? I've...
  20. DABINsinceDABINbeenDABIN

    How do you clean?

    Hey guys, just curious how you all are cleaning your hoses and water resovoirs, I was hoping to run bleach thru the system but then realized it's not going to get out of my hose that way. Ideas? I'd prefer not to buy a new hose every couple weeks when I want to clean. I use mollasses so I could...