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  1. DJ Ric Hard

    1st Circulating Deep Water Culture Experiment

    I don't know if anyone's paid attention to this diary, but I was going through some old photos and thought I should wrap this up. Maybe it will help someone out in the future. This harvest yielded around 3 pounds that tested at 18% thc. Since then, I've learned a few things that have helped...
  2. DJ Ric Hard

    1st Circulating Deep Water Culture Experiment

    I've got one side that is getting slimy roots (no pics necessary - they are brown and covered). Any suggestions? Research tells me that I should add 35% hydrogen peroxide at 5 mL/gal. Looking into this more, it seems like some people feel that DWC and organic nutes just don't mix. Some...
  3. DJ Ric Hard

    1st Circulating Deep Water Culture Experiment

    I forgot to post these pics from last week. I did a bunch of pruning to the bottoms of the plants to take out some of the unhealthy spindly growth. Snapped a couple of pictures of the stems with the Fiskars in there for perspective. They finally stopped stretching and are filling in pretty...
  4. DJ Ric Hard

    1st Circulating Deep Water Culture Experiment

    Week 7 Things are still going smoothly. Here are some pics from sometime last week... Those are a couple of plants that I pulled out while changing the water. I realized that there's a much better way to change water. I need to get one of those pumps that hook up to a garden hose, get the...
  5. DJ Ric Hard

    1st Circulating Deep Water Culture Experiment

    Definitely let me know if you have questions. I got this CDWC system as a kit so I may not have alot of insight into how to design a DWC system from scratch. I can tell you how this one works though.
  6. DJ Ric Hard

    The Fox Farm Soil + DWC Humbolt Perpetual

    I was thinking something along those lines. At least I'd be working with 16 instead of 30. Maybe I'll do some kind of rotation where I'll do 4 buckets a day for four days. Keeping track of pH for 16 different buckets is going to be a bitch, though.
  7. DJ Ric Hard

    The Fox Farm Soil + DWC Humbolt Perpetual

    I'm curious as to how you change the water and clean all those buckets. I am doing circulating deep water culture and I basically can't really clean the buckets because the plants are huge. I still change the water weekly. I'm about to start some new plants in my veg room and was thinking...
  8. DJ Ric Hard

    1st Circulating Deep Water Culture Experiment

    Yeah, I've just been going through and taking out those leaves. There's plenty of healthy leaves to do the job! Thanks for the comment.
  9. DJ Ric Hard

    1st Circulating Deep Water Culture Experiment

    Still no comments? I asked about nutrient deficiencies and root rot with lots a pics. It's cool, though... just thought someone would've said something by now.
  10. DJ Ric Hard

    Finally...I'm gonna do it right..well..As right as space permits.

    I wouldn't use that crappy neem made for roses. You want cold pressed neem oil (it has chunks in it, too). I use Einstein Oil, but I've also heard that the AzaMaz stuff that footclan mentioned is really good, too. It's pricey though.
  11. DJ Ric Hard

    Finally...I'm gonna do it right..well..As right as space permits.

    I'm a newb myself so take this for what it's worth. I'd spray them with neem every three days until the mites are gone. It seems that it should be fairly easy to get rid of when the plants are still small like that. Soak them, including the undersides of the leaves, so the mites have to eat...
  12. DJ Ric Hard

    1st Circulating Deep Water Culture Experiment

    I didn't take many pictures during week 4. Suffice to say, things continued to go well. I did switch to 12/12 this week. PPMs were still really low (around 750) even with the addition of Grow Big (Humboldt Nute's flower powder). I've pretty much decided to increase the amounts they have on...
  13. DJ Ric Hard

    1st Circulating Deep Water Culture Experiment

    With the exception of a nute deficiency, weeks two and three went well. The plants continued to grow way faster than I had experienced in soil. Node length was reduced and the leaves were almost twice as big as what I had gotten in soil. Sometime midweek two... Roots at the end of week...
  14. DJ Ric Hard

    1st Circulating Deep Water Culture Experiment

    As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm actually four weeks in so I've got some catching up to do in the journal. The end of week one was fairly uneventful. The plants looked healthy and showed root growth starting to get into the solution. I did have some issues with temps. The room (tent)...
  15. DJ Ric Hard

    1st Circulating Deep Water Culture Experiment

    What's up? I've been lurking around this forum for about a year. I've gotten the best advice here and thought I should try to give a bit back. My Background I've been growing in soil with various strains for about two years now. I finally got things pretty dialed with this Amnesia strain...