Search results

  1. R

    What do you think - New cfl growdrobe?

    Hi all. I'm settin up (first time) a space in my wardrobe. I'm gonna make the wardrobe so I need to know how big the unit needs to be. I have a wall vent abou 6-7 feet up on the wall which I hope to vent from. I'm goin cfl, but not sure wheater to get a sunlight sys T5 (6 or 8 bulb) or...
  2. R

    First time grow bow design, any suggestions?

    Hi guys,:spew: Just wondering if some seasoned veterans might be able to lend a hand on this one. I'm designing a grow box. It's my first time so any help woould be greatly appreciated. These are the rough specs. Timber construction (Similar look to wardrobe) Approx dimensions - H 7', W...
  3. R

    Welcome New Members!

    I'm a neebie to growing, but have done pleanty of research. I've decided to build a Growbox and make it look like a wardrobe. I have a vent in my apartment, so i'll place the box (wardrobe) in front of the vent. The box will be approx. 3.5 foot by 7 foot by 2 depth. I'll devide it into two...