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  1. El Conejo

    What is this ????

    This is Penny She is 170 days old she went throw some other deficiencies like magnesium def and Maybe I think Phosphorus def and I correct them. and now she is on the 3rd week of flowering. Lights: 4 CFL 2 23W and 42W blue and withe sectrum respectively soil: regular soil from Home depot...
  2. El Conejo

    what kind of deficiency is this ???

    Yea I let it dry good I never overwater, but I found the problem! the thing is that I use water from the water we drink in the house, and it water purified with reverse osmosis so now I feed 15 drops of 7-7-7 of violet purple in a liter of water. one week regular water and 1 week with nuts. and...
  3. El Conejo

    what kind of deficiency is this ???

    I think it is a Manganese deficiency but Its always good to have a 2nd opinion
  4. El Conejo

    what is happening to my plant?????

    what kind f problems you encounter with vogoro?
  5. El Conejo

    P and Mg deficiency or not???

    thats why I want to add to he soil Ash Wood to add more Mg Ca K P and get the PH higger. I am just going to waith and buy the Ph strips and then apply ash wood.
  6. El Conejo

    P and Mg deficiency or not???

    well I'll try to buy a pen meter for the time i grow seeds from internet and definite strains. but now that I am practicing Ill try with the strips something is better than nothing, but how would you say its better to wait 30 min o 15min so the runoff water becomes the Ph of the soil right?
  7. El Conejo

    P and Mg deficiency or not???

    Ok but do you think its a bad problem or a simple one? I don't want to lose this plant x3 so what I would do its letting the plant dry more until the plant ask me for water. so the plant absorbs enough nutrients to hold on the acidic state when the soil is wet. I'll buy the ph meter strips in...
  8. El Conejo

    P and Mg deficiency or not???

    this is Penny she is on vegetative grow. Water = since the humidity is from 50-40% I water the plant every 4 or 5 days with bottle water, but only when the pot losses weigh and all the top soil is dry. Light = (2 24W blue spectrum 2 42 W yellow spectrum) Soil and Nutrients = 15% of humus...
  9. El Conejo

    what is happening to my plant?????

    Yea I have exactrly the same chart xD thats why I gave an hypotesis on the PH to be < 5.9 thats y I want to put wood ashes to elevate the PH a little. and like I say I dont have money and cant buy from internet :/ I can wait like 2 weeks and I have money to buy something to test PH but for now.
  10. El Conejo

    what is happening to my plant?????

    well I forgot to put it but I think I gave her 20 drops of Violet purple 7-7-7 in a litter of water. to the 2 gallon pot like 60 days ago.
  11. El Conejo

    what is happening to my plant?????

    this is Penny she is on vegetative grow. Water = cince the humidity is from 50-40% I water the plant every 4 or 5 days but only when the pot losses weigh and all the top soil is dry. Light = (2 24W blue spectrum 2 42 W yellow spectrum) Soil and Nutrients = 15% of humus and 85% of dirt. I get...
  12. El Conejo

    Help is it spider mites????

    I dont live in USA, they dont even have dolomite in home depot they dont even have all those fancy fertilizers xD. I do all truly organic jajajaja
  13. El Conejo

    Help is it spider mites????

    sure ladybugs xDjajaja yea I heard that one from jorge cervantes videos, but -_- shit now I need to go to the mountains hunting for this insects :D
  14. El Conejo

    Help!!! Is it spider mites????

    so today I just notice one of my plants show this in one of the leaves. none of the other ones show this spots and black dots on the top side of the leave, but there is no dots or white stuff under the leave. I took the picture with a 60x magnifying glass + magnification of the iPhone but its...
  15. El Conejo

    Help is it spider mites????

    so today I just notice one of my plants show this in one of the leaves. none of the other ones show this spots and black dots on the top side of the leave, but there is no dots or white stuff under the leave. I took the picture with a 60x magnifying glass + magnification of the iPhone but its...
  16. El Conejo

    strange white spots on leaves

    Yea I had really bad problems with the soil drainage because I compacted the soil in the plastic pots. so after 2 weeks they suffered the consequences, but that one was a strong plant and it survived the stress. as soon as I notice my error I transplanted Penny to a bigger pot and de-compacted...
  17. El Conejo

    strange white spots on leaves

    hi guys. I am just going to post some pic of (Penny) my cannabis plant. so you all guys can rate my plant and point problems you notice so I can work on it. Soil: regular soil with 5% worm humus. Light: 4- 23W blue spectrum 2- 42W red spectrum Temperature: from 70F to 80F Humidity: from 45%...
  18. El Conejo

    White Mold??? What to do harvest or not???

    wow its looks radical but helpful :D I am going to try it !
  19. El Conejo

    White Mold??? What to do harvest or not???

    I dont get your pic man xD
  20. El Conejo

    White Mold??? What to do harvest or not???

    Ok so its been raining all week and the humidity here is like 70% . The plant its on the 8th week of flowering The bud is 16cm X 4cm ( 6in X 2in) I always cheek tricomes with my 60x magnifying glass, because I want to harvest right before the first amber tricomes appear. so today I went and saw...