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  1. T

    heat stress?

    OK i have two lovely ladies right now, the one on the right is 6.5 weeks into flowering the one on the left is about 4.5 weeks into flowering. The temps in my room usually sit between 77-82 degrees while the light is on. The tips of the leaves are yellowing slightly on both. On the one on the...
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    Need a little help- Heat stress maybe?

    anyone? please lol
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    Need a little help- Heat stress maybe?

    OK folks attached are a couple pictures of my beautiful ladies. The one on the right has been flowering for about 6.5 weeks the other has been flowering for about 4.5 weeks. They are both showing the slightest bit of yellowing on the tips of the leaves and slight curling. The one on the right...
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    HELP. My closet is too HOT

    Obi i had the same problem, and after a lot of thinking i came up with the perfect solution to the heat problem with out having to go through running ducting through ceiling or cutting holes in anything.... I built a slightly smaller closet with in my closet with cheap ply wood. THis allowing...
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    When to flower clones?

    Right now they are under a 250 watt mh, with three other plants started from seed. Those are still fairly young. I have a 400 watt hps that currently has two plants flowering. One for about 5-6 weeks the other for about 4-5 weeks. I also have a smaller cabinet with a 150 watt hps that i can...
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    When to flower clones?

    I was just wondering when or what are the signs clones are ready to flower? When i first made the cuttings they were about 3 inches tall, they are now about 8 inches, but have not sprouted any branches, just fan leaves. Thanks for the help folks!
  7. T

    Is it ready for harvest?

    As they said before you seem set on picking so pick it! 9 - 1 keep telling you to wait but you dont seem to want to listen. But how are you going to say you picked a bud on the 15th then turn around and tell us how you smoked it on the 16th....You really need to give this time and be patient...
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    New 400 watt hps grow, need some feedback pls

    how much space would you recommend between the bottom of the screen and the base of the plant? the scrog grow could be the way to go...just fill the canopy
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    New 400 watt hps grow, need some feedback pls

    i have used 2.5 gallon buckets before, but thats when i was running a 150 watt hps with cfl's. I was able to grow two nice plants that did not get too big. I am thinking though i may be able to maneuver the 5 gallon buckets ok as long as i LST the ladies. I was thinking of possibly going...
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    New 400 watt hps grow, need some feedback pls

    i can fit four five gallon buckets in the closet. I am planning on using LST techniques to keep them from growing too tall. That has been a major problem i have had in the past. The plants were growing over 6ft tall and thats just not efficient with the 400 w hps. I was thinking if i used...
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    New 400 watt hps grow, need some feedback pls

    can i get some more feed back please
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    New 400 watt hps grow, need some feedback pls

    can i get some help pretty please =)
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    do i need 2 separate exhausts?

    I might not be an expert but i am pretty sure you do. THe cool tube should be run on a separate exhaust to suck out the heat the light is putting out. The second exhaust for the air exchange with in the grow itself.
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    Stealth CFL Cab Grow Sativa.

    What are the dimensions of your cabinet, thats a very important aspect
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    New 400 watt hps grow, need some feedback pls

    oh and i do have chains to raise and lower my light, i was just measuring light space between projected canopy height and hps with where its hanging in the picture
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    New 400 watt hps grow, need some feedback pls

    Ok folks, I am attempting my fifth and best grow yet. So far i have had mixed results growing, its been a learning as i go process. I have picked up on many good and useful pointers on rollitup ever since my first grow. I intend on making this my most controlled grow yet. I have had all...
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    Third and last grow

    at least there was a little bit of feed back lol
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    Third and last grow

    So this was my third and final attempt before I move for my new job. The first grow started as a CFL grow and we ended up finding a 150 watt hps in a flea market so we figured why not. Our set up was a linen closet with two bathroom exhausts, one acting as an intake the other as an out take...
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    Second grow

    nice job man! they looked great! i just posted some pics for the first time in a month check em out and let me know what you think compared to yours.
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    First Grow

    So a month later here is what i got, keep in mind this is my first attempt. I think its looking pretty good, but i really dont know beings that i have never done this before. One plant had its cola burned early on in the flowering process, didnt realize i had the HPS too close, but this plant...