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  1. S

    Aussie Outdoor 08/09

    yo this my first plant im unsure of the sex of it as i dont know nethin about them, its about 13wks old now roughly it is a clone of a mates female does this mean its female ive been waterin with charlie carp and been using some slow dissolving fertilizer thts bout it been outside the whole time...
  2. S

    male or female

    ok guys i really am a newbie and have literally no idea so when yu ask how long has it been in flowerin i dont even know how to tell what stage the pant is in, and when yu ask for closer pics of the nodes is that the bits up the main stem where new branches stem from, the camera i have is pretty...
  3. S

    male or female

    yo cant tell the whether this is male or female it is a clone of a female, its been growin outdoors the whole time its about 3mths old now so hopefully someone will know cheers