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  1. C

    Lighting For 4x10 Flowering Room

    2 more 600 watts plus the 2 i have?
  2. C

    Lighting For 4x10 Flowering Room

    my measurements were off rooms 5x10 was thinking of taking out the T5s and adding a one to two 240 LEDS. and get a 1000 watt HPS in between the two 600 watts any thought please?
  3. C

    Lighting For 4x10 Flowering Room

    This is my first post i have a 5x12 flowering room with two 600 HPS Lights and four LED Bloombastic 90watt UFO Lights Contributed around the room for more spread with two 4 foot 4 bulb flowering T5s I am doing SOG and i am wondering if this is enough Light Spread for 16 sized plants in 3 gal...