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  1. tomale

    Should I crop or wait?

    Well it's academic now as it's all drying but I think I left it too long as there are definitely seeds- dang!
  2. tomale

    Should I crop or wait?

    I've chopped the lot now. My microscope showed that even the nugs had cloudy trichs.
  3. tomale

    Should I crop or wait?

    as requested have photo'd the chop! At least 22 oz. undried :)
  4. tomale

    Should I crop or wait?

    will try for photo tomorrow but everyone's saying choppity chop.....
  5. tomale

    Should I crop or wait?

    Dr Grinspoon is sativa
  6. tomale

    Should I crop or wait?

    Hey it's 3600 miles to Boston from here, fret not!
  7. tomale

    Should I crop or wait?

    you're right! But does that mean chop or let it flourish?
  8. tomale

    Should I crop or wait?

    Nice description, thanks. the pollen sacs are definitely there. They're like little greeny yellow bananas. Hence 'nanners'!
  9. tomale

    Should I crop or wait?

    My indica strain is growing alone and has flowered well with heavyish buds. It has now hermied, the female flowers have shrivelled and only pollen sacs are being produced. The trichomes are still mostly clear. Samples are good... Is it worth waiting any longer?