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  1. R

    ? about bud weight gain

    By the way, please don't blast me for spelling errors. The dream treats me good, and makes my ability to spell very weak.
  2. R

    ? about bud weight gain

    The Last Sativa I did was Blue Dream. It always would put it's weight on last 2 weaks. For me, that was 12 and 13 weak. I would total 28-64 G per girl.
  3. R

    Never seen or heard of this. Please Help

    I had the same problem. I am growing grapefruit diesel and my best 2 plants started leaking sap. i'm 6 weeks in to flowering and have checked plant for bugs - none found. If it makes you feel better haven't seen it happen again. Only thing that i can corelate, was I did have a heat spike 1 day...