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  1. Hydronewb86

    My second grow

    Cheers mo. She smells amazing right now. Hard not to wait to cut a sample off. Probably only two more feelings before flush starts. Hoping she thickens a little more over the next two to three weeks
  2. Hydronewb86

    My second grow

    Here is the most recent pic of the GHT. She shines quite nicely under the hps when it is on. These were taken 37 days in to flower. Today is day 40. Suggested finish time is at 65-72 days. Coming up pretty quickly now. A couple of hairs are starting to Amber which makes me think it's going to be...
  3. Hydronewb86

    H202 bath

    I have a plant that I just found a little pwm on. It only has about two weeks left to finish up and I'm starting the flush now. I obviously am not using any foliage sprays this far in. Has anyone ever tried Jorge's h202 bath at harvest? Either way I'm going to turn the plant into a few pounds...
  4. Hydronewb86

    My second grow

    Couple pics from last night. Growth has slowed way down but trich production is beautiful. Accidentally brushed my hand on one of the buds and it was super sticky. Hoping they continue to fatten up.
  5. Hydronewb86

    My second grow

    Thanks brother. The anticipation is killing me.
  6. Hydronewb86

    My second grow

  7. Hydronewb86

    My second grow

    Now at day 25. Hasn't been too much action in the past few days. A little bit of filling out and some trich production. Hoping the next week will show promise of some nice right bud structure.
  8. Hydronewb86

    My second grow

    A couple pics from day 22
  9. Hydronewb86

    Easty's 2014 single plant grow- Mako shark

    These look beautiful brother. Wish I could get a taste of that
  10. Hydronewb86

    My second grow

    :eyesmoke::eyesmoke:The girls are looking nice and green and happy after their feeding this weekend. Amazing to watch how quickly the buds fill in the internodes. 21 days in and it's hard to believe there's still another 5 weeks to go. It seems as if the stretch is done and focus is leaning more...
  11. Hydronewb86

    My second grow

    I can only hope so mate. Still a long ways to go. Hoping I don't do anything stupid to screw the up the whole op
  12. Hydronewb86

    My second grow

    Snapped a few pictures right before lights on. Still noticing a bit of yellowing. Wondering if it's ok to feed again, normally they would be getting plain phd water today. I'm very happy with the trich production at day 18. They seem to be packing on more weight by the day. Small fan leaves are...
  13. Hydronewb86

    My second grow

    Looking much greener after the feeding yesterday. Very happy with today's flower production and optumistic for the near future. Slow growth on the bubba plant but it's to be expected with less than half the light of the Ghost Train. I will try to snap a pic right after lights out.
  14. Hydronewb86

    My second grow

    I appreciate it brother. I'm a happy man if my flowers and upper fan leaves stay healthy and green. Looking forward to see how much they swell up over the next couple weeks.
  15. Hydronewb86

    My second grow

    Just finished the daily checks. Temps are good and overnight low back to 65. I found that a couple of my lower fan leaves were turning yellow. I'm thinking its N deficiency. It was feeding say so I'm hoping they will green back up in a couple days. 18 days in to flower and flower production...
  16. Hydronewb86

    My second grow

    I'm minorly concerned about some temp issues I had yesterday. Had a low of 58 in my room when I checked the overnight temps. It gets cold from time to time here in the mitten. Hard to keep it up at night. Wondering if my growth is going to be stunted or slowed? They don't seem to be effected by...
  17. Hydronewb86

    My second grow

    :bigjoint:Welcome bud, glad to have you on board
  18. Hydronewb86

    My second grow

    The girls just went to sleep and I was able to get a pretty good shot of the Ghost train canopy.
  19. Hydronewb86

    My second grow

    I'd like to start by thanking you both. Being a first time poster I never though I would recieve such a nice welcome to this forum. You guys are awesome. I greatly appreciate the compliments on the plants. I am using the Lucas formula but half strength the suggested dosage in roots organic...
  20. Hydronewb86

    My second grow

    You're than man Mo. I really appreciate the advice! Any suggestion on nute brands to fatten her up? I'm using GH micro and bloom, I cut out the grow completely after the flush before flower. I've heard good things about AN overdrive in the last couple weeks but not sure what to get for early...