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  1. M

    Help w/ Yellow Spots?

    I second this question. I have those Plant-Spa pots as well, want to know if they actually last 2 weeks without having to water them. Last time I watered through the reservoir, my plants sucked up all the water in a day..-_-
  2. M

    3wks into flowering--Problems-- (slow growth rate, coloring, spots,curling)

    So I got some Fox Farms today (Tiger and Big Bloom). Starting to water at half the dose per gallon. and going to go full dose every other watering. Hopefully it will make them happy and green! What do you think? Oh, I'm going to water with nutes every other watering. In between those cycles, do...
  3. M

    3wks into flowering--Problems-- (slow growth rate, coloring, spots,curling)

    I appreciate your quick response! Yeah, I'm pretty much counting down from the first day of 12/12.. How might you suggest more light? Another bulb, or putting those reflection sheets on the side of those back walls? I've been reading a lot on this forum (love it) and it seems that growers go...
  4. M

    3wks into flowering--Problems-- (slow growth rate, coloring, spots,curling)

    My plants are about 3 weeks into flowering. Very basic growing room: 12/12 150W white light about 6-7 inches away from the tops. (My hand gets warm when I put it facing up towards the light 6-7 inches away) Cooling fan on low 24/7 Night: 68 degrees 40% humidity Day: 75 degrees 47% humidity...