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  1. R

    Led lights that work

    Thanks for the info man , how many plants would i be able to grow just under one of them , and witch strain would be good for my first grow ?
  2. R

    Led lights that work

    what im asking is , is that light good enough to grow 2 plants .. ?
  3. R

    Led lights that work

    is this any good for growing 2 Plants ? im just wanting to do a small and stealth grow ,.
  4. R

    Need Help Picking The Right Led .

    i need help picking the right Led to grow 2 Plants at a time i dont want to grow anymore then that i have found this light on Ebay...
  5. R

    Have i Got Enough Light To Grow ?

    Is this any good ?
  6. R

    Have i Got Enough Light To Grow ?

    Or this one ?
  7. R

    Have i Got Enough Light To Grow ?

    Nice information man is this the right type of light and how many can i grow under just one of these
  8. R

    The UK Growers Thread!

    silk road works ?
  9. R

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I have got tor but never been to sure were to order from , what site do your use ?
  10. R

    The UK Growers Thread!

    alot if i can order some good hash Online lol
  11. R

    The UK Growers Thread!

    can you enlighten me were you are ordering from ?
  12. R

    Have i Got Enough Light To Grow ?

    How many Plants could i grow under that Led panel ?
  13. R

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hello Lads just a Quick Question , Whats the Difference between An Air Cooled HPS Hood and a non Air cooled one ?
  14. R

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Look here you voldemort looking cunt dont start yeh :D
  15. R

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Fuck me its like one big Happy Family on here lol Love it :D
  16. R

    The UK Growers Thread!

    ok i got ya will look into it :)
  17. R

    The UK Growers Thread! ?
  18. R

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i Have found this good or nah ?
  19. R

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Go the fuck on Lol
  20. R

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i Have about £150 But can get More just got to go into my Savings .. and i have a hole room to play with as i just kiked my lodger out cos he was a smelly fuck so i have alot of space but i dont want a big grow op as dont feel like getting bummed in prison .