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  1. T

    Need suggestions for my grow!

    i dont think im gonna grow ill just have to cut my smoking unless my mom knows bout it :/ lol but the people i was refering to would accualy be my mom and me lol no one else... well my moms always been pretty badass bout these things n her only real concern bout me smoking is me getting caught...
  2. T

    grow times??

    thanks for the info but i was just kinda a thought not really sure wat if i want to grow or what i want to do.... only time will tell i guess....
  3. T

    Need suggestions for my grow!

    well i was maybe looking for a sudgestion to how to maybe approach her about growin or if anybody was perhaps in the same perdicament.. srry for wording it all so porly.. n also wat i ment was the seeds have aready been germinated i was given the seed in a pot by a friend... so my delima right...
  4. T

    grow times??

    ok so im alittle new to the whole growing thing and was wondering wats the fastest u can grow a plant n have it bud?? cause im planning on growing two plants... one im hoping to have grow as fast as possible n bud so i have something to tide me over while the other one i grow to be something...
  5. T

    Need suggestions for my grow!

    Ok so first off i live n a small town and herb is getting harder and harder to come by the days... especially anything good.... the recent increase in pigs has put a serious damper on my smoking so iv come the conclusion that im gonna jus grow my own to end all the madness... but i still...