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  1. G

    HELP!!!! My plants' older leaves are going yellow

    i recently started givin her a synthetic crystalllic fertilizer or something like that, that has N,Mn,Mg,iron....its the first time i feed them in 4-5 weeks,and the agronomist told me it ll take three weeks to see results so i'm waiting.......:(
  2. G

    Eh,... Leaves Drooping And Sagging??

    To me it looks like OVERWATERING.Damn thing it is...i had the same problem ending with killing three generations of my plants,but now its okay.Anyway water once or twice at much a week and they ll be fine
  3. G

    HELP!!!! My plants' older leaves are going yellow

    well here is the problem, i have two plants growin in my closet and though everything looks all right the bottom older leaves are going yellow....I believe its not excessive heat because the temperature is 28-29C, and moreover because they have survived for 5 weeks. Please anyone, HELP! i am new...