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  1. Hilary

    Smoking high-strength cannabis may damage nerve fibres in brain

    I'm trying to get a friend with colon cancer to try it as a suppository. She's not convinced. That would be an ideal situation because of the proximity, as you mentioned. I've used CBD directly on a couple of pre cancerous skin conditions' and it cleared them up. But I'm glad to hear...
  2. Hilary

    CBD Therapy!!!

    T Excellent! Thanks - exactly what I was looking for. Maybe this will save me some money.
  3. Hilary

    Smoking high-strength cannabis may damage nerve fibres in brain

    That's very sad. She might change. I did manage to get a high CBD strain. I believe the research that indicates some people are adversely effected by repeated exposure to THC. I'm not sure if a 1/1 ratio of THC to CBD would protect from psychosis, or if any THC is too much. Not enough...
  4. Hilary

    Smoking high-strength cannabis may damage nerve fibres in brain

    Interesting... the "Dream Herb".
  5. Hilary

    Smoking high-strength cannabis may damage nerve fibres in brain

    One other thought, magnesium citrate might help.
  6. Hilary

    Smoking high-strength cannabis may damage nerve fibres in brain

    Thanks to all for your support. This is an awesome site with some good people. I’ve already lost my youngest brother to mental illness. Now I’m just trying to save my son. He’s been opposed to doing any testing until now. He finally admits there may be a problem. I googled Pharmasan Labs...
  7. Hilary

    Smoking high-strength cannabis may damage nerve fibres in brain

    Thanks for the prayers. I keep hoping it will help. My son's even praying now - that's something he hasn't done in 15 years. Now he's worried about us (his parents) dying. We've been there for him every time he got into trouble. But now he's started to wonder what would happen if we weren't...
  8. Hilary

    Increasing Cannabis' Effects Through Enzyme Inhibition -Easy, get more from your meds

    I'm curious what you actually did to counteract the side effects of the risperidone, when you took that. My son had the same reaction (except not as bad) 6 years ago when he was given Risperdal after another psychotic episode. I suspect the THC in the week he's smoking is causing these...
  9. Hilary

    Increasing Cannabis' Effects Through Enzyme Inhibition -Easy, get more from your meds

    I'll try to keep my discussion in one thread... He's having multiple problems - the biggest one is extreme anxiety. I gave him a snow shovel as a gift (for whenever we get snow again) and said jokingly, that all he'll be able to shovel is dirt right now. He thought I was suggesting that he...
  10. Hilary

    Smoking high-strength cannabis may damage nerve fibres in brain

    I'm finding out new stuff minute by minute. Thanks for your support.
  11. Hilary

    Smoking high-strength cannabis may damage nerve fibres in brain

    There have been a few clinical studies using CBD oil to treat Schizophrenia. It worked just as well as the European standard drug of choice, amisulpride, for Schizophrenia, but without the side-effects...
  12. Hilary

    Increasing Cannabis' Effects Through Enzyme Inhibition -Easy, get more from your meds

    I'm trying to help my son through a psychotic episode. He was involuntarily injected (at Rockingham Memorial Hospital) with 'Invega Sustenna', a long-acting anti-psychotic that I believe is a CYP34A inhibitor. He is having a terrible reaction to it. He is absolutely depondent and can barely...