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  1. F


    haha yoyojoe i know this is a off the wall question but did you ever play Infantry and use yoyojoe as your alias
  2. F

    setting up 8 x 5 grow room with 2 1000 watt hps lights. too much?

    about the electrical part the kid im growing with is a certified electrician.... and about the 2 lights would i see a big difference using 2 lights for 20 plants as far as yield and stuff or would it be smarted to just go with 1 1000 watt hps? as far as the co2 thing goes, could someone explain...
  3. F

    setting up 8 x 5 grow room with 2 1000 watt hps lights. too much?

    okay so i want to grow 20 plants to the full potential. I also dont want to split the room into a vegetating and flowering room. Also I am getting a charcoal filter and as far as cooling the room I was thinking maybe a small A/C unit and 2 box fans. The HPS lights I got are in the tube like...
  4. F

    setting up 8 x 5 grow room with 2 1000 watt hps lights. too much?

    Okay so i just moved into a house and the master closet is huge, so I decided fuck clothes lets grow weed. With this said, it is not my first time growing but i've upgraded all my stuff lately so I went big. I bought 2 1000 watt HPS lights and some high priced feminized seeds. I plan on growing...
  5. F

    Need help with LIGHTING!!!!

    okay sooo i just bought 20 feminized seeds. 10 white widow and 10 grandaddy purp. im growing these in a room to themselves and was wondering if i would need more than one 1000 watt HPS bulb. but what im really needing help with is where i could find these fixtures at and which ones to get. soo...
  6. F

    Hydroponic MACHINE. . . NEED HELP

    the machines i am looking into would be either The Cool Cab or The Caddy. the website is Sunlight Sheds but i am not set on these machines, if anyone knows for a fact that another one is better and will produce alot more bud suggest it please. and i have a room dedicated for this machine i just...
  7. F

    Hydroponic MACHINE. . . NEED HELP

    thank all of you for all the feedback and stuff but now if i could get more specific it would be great. . . you see i want The Cool Cabinet. i mean im pretty sure this machine does everything for you. it has the lights you are talking about, i just dont know about 4 in the flowering chamber but...
  8. F

    Hydroponic MACHINE. . . NEED HELP

    the cabinet im talking about comes with all of the things you are talking about. and what about 3 pounds every harvest. . . i know i have a lot of homework to do and its very worth me growing that much weight lol i just dont want to do all the homework and everything necessary if im not gonna...
  9. F

    Hydroponic MACHINE. . . NEED HELP

    okay so im tired of spending 120 dollars a week on chronic. yes i know this may be a little much but im a pot head through and through. I live in a very hot and humid climate so growing outdoors is out of the question. I also dont want to dedicate a room to growing with pots and soil. But most...