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  1. NorCalToker

    Help: Rockwool cubes > 1 Gallon pots with Miracle grow and no PH'ing

    This forum isn't right for me I feel like I am wasting everyone's time. Thanks for those who replied at any capacity here.. Scrambling my email addresss on the server, be aware I am now gone.
  2. NorCalToker


  3. NorCalToker

    CBD Is The Chemical Medical Marijuana Is Buzzing About

    I picked up an ACDC clone from one of my 'local' collectives. It is repotedly 20 cbd 1 thc. Using cbd proved to help me so I plan to extract off the CBD to use for pain during the day vs having to drop percocets since THC+work is not tolerated. After work I always just use mj for spinal pains...
  4. NorCalToker

    Help: Rockwool cubes > 1 Gallon pots with Miracle grow and no PH'ing

    Ok from what I gather on my own MG is time release nutes i.e. more water = more nutes released. So I need to water lightly then wait til they are completely dry then repeat, only drenching when they need food... Should I poke a stick into the planters which are post 1 week and still heavy with...
  5. NorCalToker

    Help: Rockwool cubes > 1 Gallon pots with Miracle grow and no PH'ing

    Miracle Gro NPK: .21% - .11% - .16% Update: Lights ON this morning just happened. They all seem to be drinking water now.
  6. NorCalToker

    Help: Rockwool cubes > 1 Gallon pots with Miracle grow and no PH'ing

    First things first, I am not broke I am just stupid. If I need to buy something, or start over, please lay it on me. I purchased some clones from my collective and I put them into 1 gallon dirt planters a little more than half full of Miracle Grow Potting Soil. I used 'Not PH Balanced" water...