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  1. F

    1st Pro200 Grow [bagseed], a few Q's,+ pics

    Chopped it off. I'm sad and happy at the same time. My cat is fucking stoked, she wants to eat the whole goddammed thing. Anyone else have opinions on the 4th pic? My other 2 plants look just like it. I see some white wispy hairs on one of them, does that automatically mean it's female? If...
  2. F

    1st Pro200 Grow [bagseed], a few Q's,+ pics

    OK, you've got em! I need help sexing my plants. They are 2 weeks into flowering. The first two pics are from a plant I suspect to me male. The 3rd pic is from my prize plant, the largest and prettiest. I suspect it to be female. The 4th picture, well, it's from a plant I'm not sure. The...
  3. F

    WC OG Kush & Bubba Kush GROW

    I did that yesterday with a brand new 200W CFL. :(
  4. F

    1st Pro200 Grow [bagseed], a few Q's,+ pics

    I Upgraded the lights again. I have 4x42W 2700K lights distributed at each corner. I also have the aeregrow (3x26W) lights and a mounted 46W 2700K coming from the top. Suspended above the plants on the sides I have 4x23W 2700K lights hanging. (2 on each side). A total of 384 watts, and...
  5. F

    1st Pro200 Grow [bagseed], a few Q's,+ pics

    I'm not using foil. If you look at my setup in the second pictures I'm using car window reflectors.
  6. F

    1st Pro200 Grow [bagseed], a few Q's,+ pics

    An interesting question, considering I've added another 23W light. Your math is actually off a bit. With 4 100W equivilant builbs, the aerogrow lights, and 2 200W lights, The CFL equivilant is only 218 watts. But still, it brings up the question of cost vs. reward. I figure I've spend about...
  7. F

    1st AeroGarden Grow

    Remember the stock Pro 200 lamp(s) put out 4700 lumens.
  8. F

    1st Pro200 Grow [bagseed], a few Q's,+ pics

    The issue is fixtures, mainly. I planned on switching all the bulbs over to soft white when the time comes, possibly keep one daylight so there is full spectrum light. And it's possible that I could add 1 more bulb without some extensive rewiring. But beyond that, it's going to be quite a...
  9. F

    1st Pro200 Grow [bagseed], a few Q's,+ pics

    Looking at my setup, does anyone think I will need more than the 42w+[3x 23W] + Aerogrow CFL lights when I switch to flowering? Or is what I have sufficient?
  10. F

    1st Pro200 Grow [bagseed], a few Q's,+ pics

    Vertical space isn't in issue, and I know they will triple in size. I can suspend the hood from the shower nozzle, and the table the aerogarden is on is height-adjustable. I just don't know how soon I can flower without hurting the end result. This is my first grow of any kind, so I'm kinda...
  11. F

    1st Pro200 Grow [bagseed], a few Q's,+ pics

    I don't know, that's kinda what I was hoping to hear a suggestion on. I've read to flower then they are 10-12", at about 4 weeks of vegging. Think that's too much? They are growing real nice. Input much appreciated! The sooner my wife can smoke this shit my sooner my life is happier. :)
  12. F

    1st Pro200 Grow [bagseed], a few Q's,+ pics

    OK, so an update and progress report here. The first pics are from 2/18 and It's amazing what more light will do for ya in less than 10 days. As soon as I got some replies, I pulled the twin that was growing on the dominant plant. Then I went out and bought some lights the same day. I added...
  13. F

    1st Pro200 Grow [bagseed], a few Q's,+ pics

    Daylight for vegging? I read everything I could find and I thought if you had to use CFL's, you wanted soft white for vegging and daylight for flowering. Arg. Now I'm more confused. I also just don't know what to do about the twins. I don't know if I should rip the pod apart, try and seperate...
  14. F

    1st Pro200 Grow [bagseed], a few Q's,+ pics

    Also, as a follow-up, at what point (if any) should I pull 1 or two of the plants? With 5, they are already very much overlapping each other (the pics are 4 days old). Even with the additional light, I'm a bit afraid that they will not get all the light they need. Should I reduce down to 4 or...
  15. F

    1st Pro200 Grow [bagseed], a few Q's,+ pics

    My first grow of any kind, and I could not have done it w/out this forum. So I've got 5 plants going, planted into the pods on 2/3 (~3 weeks). I read as much as I could on here before starting, and proceeded as follows: 1. Germinated in paper towels about 20 seeds, a mix of fairly recent seeds...