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  1. Marking

    Find Huge Big bastards leaves biggest

    I'd really like to find giant leaf plants, biggest leaves possible, I have seen pics of huge tree like male plants, I want to grow biggest fan leaves possible. Huge leaf big leaf, not worried about smoking it, just for a bit of fun
  2. Marking

    Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

    I think you doing pretty well, freakin killer names, good stuff
  3. Marking

    Silver LA outdoor grow

    Cheers, you just popped my cherry mr joe dank
  4. Marking

    Silver LA outdoor grow

    Got 2 silver LA plants growing in mix of coco peat, compost, ash from fireplace, perlite,fox farm nnutrients, charlie carp, and a few old bottles of various fertilisers,every other day tap water had nice clear blue skies for about 7 weeks, last 3 days plants been in shady aarea and have...